P. 64
PART 6 “A Thousand Apologies” KIRI (Continues)
Location: Ehime Prefecture, Matsuyama ...But the real secret is my lobster. When my lobster
is cut, I do not put it on ice. My lobster stay alive
The group leads Menta Keshinato to the vendor until the time it is ordered. It may be more expensiv,
of their choice. The smell of foods is pleasant and but the natural flavors using this method make some-
strong, making the hungriest persons ravenous and thing no other cook can duplicate. Here, tell me what
those initially not wanting food craving something to you think.
eat. The group walks past several vendors offering While Osamu Korai looks on, Menta Keshinato
samples of various dishes… inspects his meal. Fried perfectly golden brown, it is
OSAMU KORAI resting atop a nest of diced cabbage. The skewer
seems to be place perfectly through each piece of
This vendor, it is told to me, makes the greatest
Kushikatsu south of Tokyo! meat and balances the meal perfectly. Osamu Korai
looks on, and seems to be memorized by the perfec-
The group arrives at Osamu Korai’s selected food tion of the dish. As Menta Keshinato brings his first
stand and the vendor greets the group. He stands up succulent bite to his lips, something clicks with
and is average-sized across the board. His cooking Osamu Korai. Without hesitation he slaps the food
uniform is stained from the days work, but his rolled away from Menta Keshinato’s mouth with blinding
u sleeves and demeanor let the group know he is still speed. Stunned and with his mouth still open craving
ready and willing to serve. A low hanging headscarf his first bite, Menta Keshinato stares at Osamu Korai
covers his sweaty brow as headjusts it it to speak to as if the young man had lost his mind.
the group.
It’s Kiri! Grab him!
Welcome all, today I am only serving a very special
treat for this very special day. Lobster Kushikatsu. GM NOTE: The PC(s) should spring into action.
MENTA KESHINATO Kiri is quickly accosted, while Menta Keshinato
Lobster?! Intriguing. I haven’t had lobster Kushi- looks on still wanting his first bite of delicious and
katsu in a long while. Very good pick Korai. I’ll rare cuisine. A crowd of people from the festival
have an order. Anyone else? gather and watch the altercation whispering among
As the vendor prepares the food, Menta Keshina- themselves.
to strikes up a conversation while watching the cook
prepare the dish. The senses are awakened to new Osamu Korai steps directly in front of Kiri with a
heights as the food is prepared before the eyes. sense of pride and accomplishment.
Your days of murderous intent are over, assassin.
My men say your serve the best Kushikatsu. I’ve
actually haven’t had a lobster Kushikatsu since my KIRI
youth so I’m inclined to believe them. Tell me ven- Whatever do you mean, sir? I assure you I’m no as-
dor, what makes your Kushikatsu the best? sassin.
Expertly, the vendor continues to prepare his dish Osamu Korai crosses his arms in anger, and turns
and talk to Menta Keshinato simultaneously. Every his attention to the crowd. He paces forward twice,
so often he peels his eyes away from his task to make then points an aggressive finger at Kiri.
eye contact from beneath his low hanging head scarf.
We can easily determine whether or not this man is
My vegetables are fresh, I know because I grow them the person in question, by simply removing his head-
my self. The okra, tomato, potato, peppers and eve- scarf. Kiri, the assassin, has a distinguishing mark
rything else all come from my personal farm. above his eye. A red mole. Should that be present,
we have captured a true terror in the area. Please,
The Vendor puts the final touches on the dish, remove the head scarf.
and proudly hands Menta Keshinato his order.