P. 66
PART 8 “Pit Fighter” The group begins looking for Master Menta
Keshinato among the large crowd of oblivious on-
Location: Ehime Prefecture, Matsuyama
With Osamu Korai no where to be found, the GM NOTE: Roll Awareness Tests verse the PC(s) to
group is on its own. The man looks to the PC(s) with see if they find Menta Keshinato during their turn
anger and frustration in his eyes. A jolt rocks both until his location is discovered. Award the PC who
parties when it is discovered that it so happens to be finds him first extra Experience Points when award-
the same Kushihara soldier from earlier. He brushes ing the group.
himself off as anger grows. With him is two other
Kushihara soldiers who are angry as well. Disbelief The PC(s) have found Menta Keshinato and is
hangs over their faces. making their way toward him through the tightly
packed crowd. He is 75 feet away, when suddenly a
group of people the same distance away from him on
You again?! I’ve had just about enough of you to- the opposite side begin experiencing pushing and
day! I don’t know hat your aim is, but you’ve
crossed the wrong person. shoving. A shout of, “Ninja!” is emitted from that
section of the crowd, and a basic foresight thought
The Kushihara Soldier, and his friends draw their determines that the ninja is heading directly towards
weapons as the crowd around them watches on while Menta Keshinato.
backing away creating a large circle.
GM NOTE: Have the PC(s) race to get to Menta
PART 9 “One in a Million” Keshinato before Kiri.
Location: Ehime Prefecture, Matsuyama Kiri strikes at Menta Kshinato cutting him slight-
After the altercation, the group rallies together to ly, Osamu Korai arrives just in time and expertly de-
catch up with Menta Keshinato who is presumably at fends the attack from being more severe. Kiri, being
the tournament as per his itinerary. A walk to the thwarted, ducks back into the crowd to escape.
tournament grounds and the group is met with a large OSAMU KORAI
sea of people surrounding a platform stage. On the After him! Don’t let him get away!
stage, two small combatants wearing traditional Ken-
do equipment are dueling to the delight of cheering PART 10 “Epiphany”
fans. From their location, the PC(s) are unable to lo- Location: Ehime Prefecture, Matsuyama
cate Menta Keshinato.
The PC(s) have followed caught up to Kiri who
Over the noise of the crowd a voice calls out to intentionally stopped. He stands with his back to the
the group. A quick search reveals Osamu Korai wav- PC(s). On his waist are two Ninjato. Kiri turns
ing to them to join him where he is. Once again, this around revealing his confidently smirking face. It is
time rationally, the group navigates through the the same vendor originally thought to be the assassin
crowd to where he stands.
Why am I running? With the Masters not here I
I’m very sorry. I thought you had the ability to keep should surely be able to make short work of the lot of
up with me. I didn’t mean to leave you back there. I you. Heh Heh! You know, all it takes is a rumor. A
hope everything was okay. Nevertheless, Master little false information about my appearance, for me
Keshinato is in the crowd somewhere. I thought he to know who is looking for me. Then all I had to do
was going to be in the honored guest area, but appar- to get you off my tail was prove not to have what you
ently, our Master is not being honored in that regard. were looking for. Once I got you off my tail I could
Nonetheless, we need to find him and ensure his safe- plant all kind of distractions, like those Kushihara
ty. Discovering that Kiri was not the vendor, I be- buffoons, in your way to make my job easy. Since
lieve Kiri is still at the festival, waiting for the right you got by them, though, I won’t take you lightly.
time to strike. Now that Master is away from secure Kiri snatches his twin swords from their hilt, and
numbers I fear he is a vulnerable target. Stay with
me, and we’ll search for Master Keshinato together. rushes the group to attacks.