P. 62

which the group follows to the main road of the dis-
          him, yet we have no evidence to prove it.  Nonethe-
                 less, our focus will be stopping Kiri.         trict.  Along the way out of the district the group is
                                                                showered with celebration by the district’s citizens.
          The assassin’s target is Keshinato-san himself who,
           regardless of the threat to his, life feels it pertinent      A short while after leaving the boundaries of the
          that he fulfill his duty.  He is also, interested in the   Uchitori District the group is nearing the festival
            afternoon’s Children’s Kendo Tournament as a
                means to discover new, potential talent.        grounds.  Half a mile in front of the group is a sea of
                                                                vendors who are setting up to sell their goods from
                  Keshinato’s itinerary is as follows:
                                                                toys to food.  The main road leads straight to Matsu-
             First, he is to proceed in the “Daimyo Musha
          Gyoretsu”.  Shortly after that, we will provide escort   yama castle that is overlooking the scene nestled high
              so that he may have a meal.  Finally, Master      atop a hill in the far off distance.  There are several
           Keshinato will finish his day watching the tourna-   civilians that have already selected their place along
         ment. Our job will be to scour the crowd, food stands   the parade route.  Most children run and play, while
           and tournaments audience for Kiri.  We should be
          able to narrow the search from the hundreds of ven-   others are dressed in blue Hakamas and some even in
            dors who will be present, to the vendors selling    Kendo armor.  Menta Keshinato smiles proudly at the
          Kushikatsu, Keshinato-san’s favorite dish.  Kiri is a   sight.  He notices the PC(s) looking at him.
           master of disguise.  He is five foot six inches tall,
          and approximately one hundred fifty pounds.  He is                  MENTA KESHINATO
          not from this region, but I’m certain he has studied
         the Shikoku accent and can blend in. He will be diffi-  This sight always makes me proud.  There is nothing
          cult to find.  However, he has one identifiable mark   more impressive than the Matsuyama Haru Matsuri.
         that he cannot hide.  Above his right eye lid is a large   People come from all over Japan for this event.  No
            red mole.  On the day of the celebration we will    one celebrates the coming of Spring like people from
           leave our compound early in the morning to try to
          find him setting up among the vendors.  Until then,    Shikoku.  I wish we could celebrate with our people
           prepare yourself.  This mission will be dangerous    today, but we are here on official business.  Split into
          and promises to test your skill.  If there are no other   groups of four.  We will cover more ground that way.
                     questions you are dismissed.
                                                                 Place these trail markers at the vendors you investi-
         PART 3     “The Mission at Hand”                           gate.  Stay sharp, and may Buddha guide you.

         Location: Uchitori Compound                            PART 4     “Crossing Paths with an Enemy”

             It is the day of the Matsuyama Haru Matsuri.       Location: Ehime Prefecture, Matsuyama
         Kokoro has asked the PC(s) to meet him at the com-
         pound entrance before the group ventures to the festi-  GM NOTE: To make teams of four with less than
         val grounds.  The team has gathered at the gate with   four PCs add extra Uchitori NPCs.  If there are more
         Kokoro Yatome.                                         than four PCs, have the player cast 1D6 die to select
                                                                teams.  Highest casts, and even tied numbers, are
         GM NOTE: The team should total 12 members              placed in one group.  Then next highest, ands o on
         (including the PC(s) and Kokoro Yatome).               until all players have been assigned.
                          OSAMU KORAI                              The PC(s) are in the crowd scouring for Kiri.  All

           The festival has yet to begin.  We need to act fast   around them are people celebrating the festival.  Nav-
          however, because the crowd will be gathered soon.     igating the crowd is a challenge.
          When the number of spectators gets too high, it will
           be near impossible to find Kiri in the vendor area.    GM NOTE: Allow for each group to have an oppor-
         Remember, he has a large red mole over his right eye   tunity to look for Kiri.  When they approach a vendor
          lid.  We’ve received word that he plans to be posing
           as a vendor to poison our Master.  We will divide    they may enquire about Kushikatsu.  If it is sold by
          into three groups and search the vendor area.  If you   the vendor, the PC(s) should perform an Awareness
                         are all ready, we fly!                 Search for Identifying marks that will prove the ven-
             The group travels North through the forest and     dor to be Kiri.  **ALL AWA Searches should yield
         onto a dirt road.  The dirt path leads to a paved road   negative results.

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