P. 61

Elder Quests                                           PART 1     “Scroll of Orders”

         “Faces in the Fog of Death”                            Location: Uchitori Compound
                                                                   In the morning the PC(s) wake up to start find
         Requirements: Intermediate Level                       posted to their door a notice.  It is a short message

         NPC Characters of Contact                              sealed with the Uchitori Mondokoro.
            -Menta Keshinato                                    GM NOTE: The message simply reads:

            -Osamu Korai
            -Tominogoshi Members

            -Kushihara Soldier

                                                                         Your presence is requested in
                                                                       the mission planning room by Ko-
            -Uchitori Compound
                                                                           koro  Yatome through the
            -Uchitori District                                           order of Menta Keshinato Head

            -Matsuyama Prefecture                                      Elder of the Uchitori Ninja Clan.

            -Ehime Prefecture, Matsuyama
                                                                The PC(s)  should go to the Uchitori meeting hall
         Summary                                                immediately.
            Through espionage of their own, the Uchitori        PART 2     “Counter Plans”
         gain information where they learn that a known as-
         sassin is coming to assassinate Menta Keshinato dur-   Location: Uchitori Compound
         ing the Spring Festival Celebration.  Rather than         Inside the second floor mission planning room,
         postpone his appearance, Master Keshinato plans to     the PC(s) join Menta Kashinato, Kokoro Yatome and
         attend the event, relying on his ninja clan for protec-  a host of other Uchitori ninja clan members.  Kokoro
         tion.                                                  stands at the head of the table where Menta Keshina-

                                                                to sits quietly observing the meeting.
                                                                                 OSAMU KORAI
                                                                  In three days we will be celebrating “Matsuyama
                                                                 Haru Matsuri” (Matsuyama Spring Festival).  Lord
                                                                 Matsuyama has invited Keshinato-san to appear in
                                                                  the “Daimyo Musha Gyoretsu” (Parade of Feudal
                                                                  Lords).  Although Kesninato-san is not a Daimyo,
                                                                 Matsuyama is allowing him in the procession, more
                                                                  so as a show of force and protection than nobility.

                                                                 In the Procession are Daimyo Ghoda of the Kushi-
                                                                  hara, and Genreihiro Tominogoshi, both of which
                                                                  will no doubt have soldiers.  In any other circum-
                                                                 stance this would be a problem, however, Daimyo
                                                                Matsuyama has ordered a treaty between our groups.
                                                                  As long as they adhere to the treaty the real threat
                                                                will be our target, the assassin who goes by the name
                                                                  of “Kiri”, a master of disguise with the ability to
                                                                 move in and out of towns like fog.  We have suspi-
                                              Menta Keshinato   cions that either the Kushihara or Tominogoshi hired

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