P. 65
The head scarf is removed, and what is revealed VENDOR
is a red mole above the man’s eye just as Osamu It’s a very simple mistake, and I assure you that I
Korai had described. Several members of the nosy hold no ill will toward you for it. In fact, I think you
onlookers ooh and ahh when the mark is made pre- all have made this area safer and thank you for it.
Heheh! However, there is a small of a matter of un-
sent. Kiri, however, looks surprised by the response finished business for the, uhh… the meal. That’ll be
of the crowd. Osamu Korai stands affirmed. $12 please.
OSAMU KORAI The vendor politely holds out his hand toward
Hmph! The mark of a killer. I was tipped off when Menta Keshinato to receive his payment.
he described his method of cooking lobster. I find it
ironic that you chose to use lobster today. Anyone PART 7 “Speed Bump”
who cooks knows that you must ice lobster for a min-
imum fifteen minutes before you cook it. The lobster Location: Ehime Prefecture, Matsuyama
quickly secretes bacteria that does not die during the In the distance drums can be heard sounding the
cooking process. That bacteria can be harmful if not
fatal to the human body if ingested. beginning festivities of the Annual “Matsuyama Haru
Matsuri Kendo Tournament”. Menta Keshinato
Kiri reacts in disbelief. He twists and turns in the
firm grasp of the people holding him. gasps and looks in the direction of the sound.
The tournament! We must hurry!
What?!! Wait… I don’t have a-a mole! What is go-
ing on?! What type of trickery is this?! Release me Without signaling to his team, Menta Keshinato
at once! takes of running as fast as he can. Osamu Korai’s
Kiri continues to struggle to free himself until head whips around to see him running away, and lets
Menta Keshinato passes a hand motion to Kiri’s cap- out a grunt of frustration. He motions to the group to
tors to let him go. follow him and sprints after Menta Keshinato.
KIRI (Continues) GM NOTE: Menta Keshinato has a one melee round
When did I grow a—a what?! No… I can explain. head start. Have the group run after him and use
The vendor rubs his brow aggressively for a spell challenges of AWA to determine if they run into any
in front of the interested persons looking on. When of the festival attendees as they run. Each time they
he finishes the “mole” is gone. The man smiles at the run into a person Menta Keshinato gains 1 melee
group assuredly leaving Osamu Korai befuddled. round of MOV ahead of them.
VENDOR (Continues) The PC(s) continue chasing after Menta Keshina-
to and are weaving through the crowd expertly. Sud-
You see.
denly, as they are dodging one person, a set of broad
OSAMU KORAI shoulders, seemingly out of nowhere, steps directly
I—I don’t understand. in front of them.
VENDOR (Continues)
GM NOTE: All players receive –2 to AWA for their
I was painting my restaurant before I came here to dodge attempt. The first of the PC(s) to fail a dodge
the festival. The process ran long, and I had to rush
to get here and set up. I had no time to clean myself, attempt should roll 1D4 on the chart below to deter-
sans my hands. I must’ve hand a spot on my face mine what happens.
that I was unaware of. A simple mistaken identity.
The good news is the person you’re looking for must Dodge Attempt Fail Chart
not be here. 1– Crash causes man to spill food on someone else.
Osamu Korai stands in disbelief. The members 2– Crash knocks man down face first.
of the crowd chatters amongst themselves for a
while, and one-by-one go about their way. 3– Crash causes man to spill food onto himself.
4– Crash knocks man and his friends down.