P. 68
and silver tassel. Entwined in the tassel is a rolled up
Elder Quests slip of paper. One of the Uchitori ninja cautiously
“Indecent Exposure” grabs the note, opens and reads it silently. His eyes
Requirements: Advanced Level UCHITORI NINJA
NPC Characters of Contact All ninja, 3rd degree and above, are to report to the
-Uchitori Ninja Tea House immediately. Password: Unsuitable. Ha
Ha Ha… guess this is not for me!
Instantaneously, several Uchitori Ninja who meet
-Menta Keshinato the criteria of the message scurry out the Inn.
-Osamu Korai
-Travelling Merchant
Hey wait! What about your tab?!
-5 Okinawan Police Officers GM NOTE: It is recommended that the PC follow
Properties suit.
-Uchitori District
-Uchitori Shukuba PART 2 “The General”
-Oita Police Station Location: Uchitori Shukuba
Environment Several Uchitori stand out side of the Tea House
-Okinawa Prefecture, Oita with a 17 year old young man standing in front of the
Summary door shoeing people away. He is scruffy and grizzled
well beyond his years. Very strict, blunt and asser-
A late night party is interrupted by the flight of a
single Kunai. A message informs those who meet the tive.
qualifications, that they are to meet in the Tea House. IPPANTEKINA
The mission is to expose a newly named Daimyo for Dammit everybody! Settle down! Don’t be angry
the conniving person he truly is. The problem, is that with me! It is a sign that you are not prepared. You
he is a powerful man and controls his Okinawan ar- might meet the criteria physically, but obviously you
lack the mental prowess to carry out this mission.
ea’s prison. Backed by the security of the police You were given a password, you want in on this mis-
force, this mission proves to be a great test of skill. sion, tell me the password. Now, if you’ve already
failed, step aside to allow your more capable brethren
PART 1 “A Call to Arms” an opportunity to enter my Tea House.
Location: Uchitori Compound While several Uchitori ninja discuss what they
think the password is, Ippantekina’s eyes scan the
During a late night out, the PC(s) are sitting to-
gether with a group of four other Uchitori Ninja at crowd and finally rest at the PC(s).
one of the district restaurants. The mood is festive. IPPANTEKINA
Several Uchitori have plates of food and drink. You there! I don’t remember if you tried to give me
the password yet. Do you know it?
GM NOTE: Should the PC(s) want a plate they may
order and pay for their food. GM NOTE: The PC(s) should give Ippantekina the
password given to them by the message.
As the party continues, the restaurant becomes
louder as more Uchitori Ninja seem to enter and join PART 3 “Great Speakers”
the group, so much so, that the restaurant owner tells Location: Uchitori Shukuba
the group he will soon be out of items to serve. Sud-
denly, a Kunai flies through the crowd and sticks in Inside the Tea House, Menta Keshinato stands
the wall. The crowd goes silent, as the attention to he with his back to the PC(s) as they walk in with
Kunai distracts all. The Kunai is adorned with a blue Osamu Korai standing stage right of the room. Men-