P. 63
GM NOTE: Every so often have the PC(s) perform KUSHIHARA SOLDIER
an Awareness Test to see if they are able to avoid ASSASSIN!!!
running into the people of the crowd. Several Kushihara soldiers change their position
As the groups continue their search, a rude Tom- to guard the Daimyo as three rush to the event.
inogoshi member seemingly bumps into one of the KUSHIHARA SOLDIER
group members on purpose. The atmosphere turns What seems to be the problem over here?
instantly tumultuous.
TOMINOGOSHI MEMBER We saw a disturbance in the crowd, and was coming
Excuse you. over to investigate. That guy took me off my feet,
and now we’re arguing.
Five Tominogoshi stand at the ready giving the
PC(s) cocky and aggressive jeers over the assailant’s KUSHIHARA SOLDIER
shoulders. He’s LYING! He was making an attempt to assassi-
nate the Daimyo, and I stopped him! We will throw
TOMINOGOSHI MEMBER him in jail, and await his order for execution!
You need to watch where you are going. Be careful The argument is interrupted by a distinguished
not to rub your filth all over the people of the festival. voice. Everyone involved turns, and sees Menta
We will be watching you.
Keshinato walking toward the group calmly.
The groups pause. With a sneer, the man rests his
hands on his Tanto trying to intimidate the PC(s). MENTA KESHINATO
Suddenly, the drums of the parade burst through the You will do no such thing. These men are with me,
crowd interrupting the altercation. All around people and are here to escort me to the tournament. Stand
scramble to the road jockeying for position for the
best view in the crowd. Several vendors close their The Kushihara disburse emitting groans of dis-
stations temporarily to observe the parade. content, leaving the Uchitori alone. They help the
young man off the ground as Osamu Korai debriefs
PART 5 “Near Death Experience” Menta Keshinato on the situation.
Location: Ehime Prefecture, Matsuyama OSAMU KORAI
The parade has ended in a beautifully explosive Master, we have yet to discover the whereabouts
display of fireworks. The Lord of Matsuyama, ac- of the assassin. Our team has search most of the ven-
companied by some beautiful women and a surround- dor area, and nothing has come of it.
ed by soldiers, are making their way back to the cas- MENTA KESHINATO
tle while waving at the citizens of the city. Hmmm? Nevertheless we must be attentive to our
surroundings. We will continue to move as though
At the front of crowd people are noticeably being the threat is present. I need for some of you to re-
shoved back. Their protests are audible and seems as main searching for Kiri. The others will come with
though the energy is coming closer to the group. me as guards. By the way, have you found a vendor
who sells Kushikatsu?
Osamu makes a head motion toward the area, with a
look of concern on his face, and moves swiftly to- OSAMU KORAI
ward the disturbance. All of the Uchitori do the Heh! Of course we have, Master. Right this way.
same. When the group fights passed the crowd they Osamu leads Menta and the group to the vendor
are confronted by some aggressive Kushihara sol- area where Menta Keshinato’s favorite dish is
diers. The first Uchitori to make his way to the front served.
is swept off his feet in front of everyone to see ex- GM NOTE: All PC(s) are to come with Menta
tracting woefully “Oohs” from the crowd. The Keshinato, the NPCs will be the ones chosen to con-
Kushihara points a yari at the neck of the fallen tinue searching the area.
Uchitori comrade.