P. 24

GM NOTE: The militia of  the Legion of the Depart-     NAME: Legion of the Departed (Commander)
         ed serves one purpose; warfare.  These warriors        Attributes                       Belt Level: Purple
         cannot be used for anything but combat.  Also, the
         soldiers cannot mount horses, control animals nor        HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
         will they pick up dropped equipment.  There  are two      65    10    0     5     4     5    8     5    2
         types of soldiers in the Legion of the Departed army;    Techniques                 Ki Energy: 100
         The Commander and the Soldier.  Commanders are

         slightly more durable, faster and better equipped      -Attack Heights: High     -Special Technique: Acrobatics I

         than soldiers.  One grouping of 1 Commander and        -Attack Heights: Medium   -Non-Projectile Weapon Tech-

         15 Soldiers will rise in 1D4 melee each time the       -Attack Heights: Low      nique: Proper Grip II
                                                                                          -Kicking Technique: Hook Kick

         Hitokage Conch is blown.                               -Striking Technique: Jab Punch

                                                                -Special Technique: Spin   -Kicking Technique: Side Snap
         NAME: Legion of the Departed (Soldier)                                           -Striking Technique: Reverse

                                                                -Kicking Technique: Front Snap   Punch
         Attributes                            Belt Level: Blue   -Standing Grapple Technique:

          HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE           Front                     -Special Technique: Acrobatics II

                                                                                          -Non-Projectile Weapon Tech-
           55    10    0     5     4     5     6    5    2      -Striking Technique: Straight   nique: Proper Grip III

                                                                Punch                     -Non-Projectile Weapon Tech-

         Techniques                   Ki Energy: 30             -Special Technique: Jump   nique: Proper Grip IV

                                                                -Standing Grapple Technique:   -Defensive Non-Projectile Tech-
         -Attack Heights: High     -Kicking Technique: Front Thrust                       nique: Dishonorable Things III
                                                                -Standing Grapple Technique:   -Defensive Non-Projectile Weap-

         -Attack Heights: Medium   -Non-Projectile Weapon Tech-  Break Grip               on Technique: Parry
                                   nique: Proper Grip II

         -Attack Heights: Low                                   -Kicking Technique: Front Thrust
                                   -Kicking Technique: Hook Kick
         -Striking Technique: Jab Punch                         Weapons

         -Special Technique: Spin   -Kicking Technique: Side Snap   Weapon 1: Refined Ninjato

         -Kicking Technique: Front Snap   -Striking Technique: Reverse

         -Standing Grapple Technique:   -Non-Projectile Weapon Tech-  Weight   AtP   Rng   LiE   Mas     Vel   CoA
         Front                     nique: Proper Grip III

         -Striking Technique: Straight   -Non-Projectile Weapon Tech-  .5   40     1      30      1       0     1

         Punch                     nique: Proper Grip IV
         -Special Technique: Jump   -Defensive Non-Projectile Tech-  Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding roll

         -Standing Grapple Technique:   nique: Dishonorable Things III

         Back                      -Defensive Non-Projectile Weap-  Sub Weapon 1: Refined Tonto

         -Standing Grapple Technique:   on Technique: Parry      Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
         Break Grip

         Weapons                                                   .5      45      1      30      1       2     1
         Weapon 1: Rare Ninjato
                                                                Status effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding roll
          Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
            .5      40      1      40      0       2      0     Armor: Basic Dou             Armor: Basic Kabuto
                                                                   WGT  AR  LiE                WGT  AR  LiE
         Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding roll
         Armor                                                       .5    15    45              .5    15    45

         Armor: Basic Dou             Armor: Basic Kabuto
                                                                Armor: Basic Kusazuri        Armor: Basic Kote
                                                                   WGT  AR  LiE                WGT  AR  LiE
           WGT  AR  LiE                 WGT  AR  LiE
                                                                    1.5     8    25              .2    10    25
             .5     15    45              .5     15    45

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