P. 23

Description:  The humble Kurai Hitokage Fortress      The Field of the Dead
          is home to one of the most deadly ninja clans            The Field of the Dead is the Kurai Hitokage For-
          throughout Japan.  What is more deadly than the       tress’ greatest defense.  Beneath the grassy plains and
          clan who reside is the land the fortress comfortably   rolling hills is an army of spirits who are at the mercy
          rests upon.  On the edge of Aokigahara, the Suicide   of whosoever holds the highest position in the clan.
          Forest, The Kurai Hitokage have learned to utilize    This army is known as the Legion of the Departed, a
          the haunted land for protection.  Hidden within the   myriad of the souls of dead farmers, shop owners, ro-
          ground surrounding the fortress are thousands of un-  nin, vagabonds, ninja, samurai and noblemen from
          marked graves whose spirits can be used for defense   across Japan, captured through the call of the Hito-
          by the head of the clan against invasion.  What’s     kage Conch- A mystic shell that enables the holder to
          more, the necromancing that takes place within the    summon the dead, and employ them in the  mighty
          walls makes the Kurai Hitokage the most feared lo-    Legion.  A simple sound of the horn will awaken this
          cation in martial arts Japan.                         sleeping band of undead soldiers who will follow the
          Length: Structure 115ft.(200ft. w/Field of the        command of the summoner.
          Dead )                                                NAME: Hitokage Conch

          Width: Structure  118ft.(200ft.w/ Field of the Dead)
                                                                 Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
          Height: 32ft. at highest point  (17ft. Walls)
                                                                   5      N/A      0      10      1       3     3

             1- Field of the Dead
             2- Entrance
                 a. Main Gate
             3- Main House
             4- Master’s House

             5- Shrine
             6- Dojo
             7- Student Housing

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