P. 18

Kurai District

                                                                Commercial Type:
                                                                   Qty.       Name
                                                                       5      Alcohol Vendor
                                                                       Location: NE: L6; NW: O18; SE: M1, H14; SW: S26
                                                                       3      Armorer
                                                                       Location: NW: K18; SE: O16; SW: B31
                                                                       1      Bakery
                                                                       Location: SW: X38
                                                                       4      Blacksmith
                                                                       Location: NE: D39; NW: G33; SE: O22; SW: C28
                                                                       5      Butcher
                                                                       Location: NE: U41; NW: W29; SE: J10; SW: H3, K13
                                                                       2      Cobbler
                                                                       Location: NE: I38; SW: Q24
                                                                       1      Confectionery Merchant
                                                                       Location: NE: C34
                                                                       1      Doctor
                                                                       Location: SW: X23
                                                                       10     Fishmonger
                                                                       Location: NE: Q42, U43, X43; NW: Q22, W31, H43; SE: M23, J43;
                                                                              SW: A19, K26
                                                                       9      Food Stand
                                                                       Location: NE: T11, H41; NW: P19; SE: N3, N16, I28; SW: D3,
         Kurai District                                                       V28, X36
                                                                       1      Geisha Compound
            The seedy Kurai District is an area of refuge for          Location: SW: D38
         miscreants, ronin and vagabonds alike.  It’s economic         4      Inn
                                                                       Location: NE: F33; NW: F3; SE: F22; SW: L43
         strength and low jurisdiction make the inhabitants            1      Kimono Maker
         easy targets for all types of illegal activity.  Those         Location: SW: T35
         who reside within the area have found safety in the           2      Lumber Camp and Building Materials
         protection of several of the area’s cliques and organi-            Location: NE: K29; SW: F7
                                                                              Mat Maker
         zations.                                                      Location: NE: C41; SW: U34
         Location: Yamanashi Prefecture, Narusawa                      2      Police Station
                                                                       Location:  NE: H35; SW: E20
         Population: 1,150                                             4      Mineral Mine
                                                                       Location: SE: M42, N41, O41, Q40
         Economic Level: Moderate-High                                 1      Saddler
                                                                       Location: NE: E42
         Resource Availability: Medium                                 2      Tavern
                                                                       Location: NE: C37; SW: G21
         Item Pricing: +20 Hansatsu > Average                          2      Tailor
                                                                       Location: NE: X8; SW: P42
         Province Customs & Traditions                                 2      Temple
                                                                       Location:  NE: L14; SW: X33
         1.  Citizens of the Kurai District declare that the fog             2     Teahouse
            around the Kurai Hitokage compound originates              Location: NE: C27; SW: F3
            from the condensation of the mountains to ease             1      Toy Merchant
            the minds of curious travelers, but honestly be-           Location: SW: T42
            lieve it comes from a much more mysterious         Residential Type:
            source.                                                    Qty.  Name

         2.  Residence of Kurai province enjoy telling tall ta-        230    Farm House
            les, mostly embellished or fabricated, of the              115    City House
            “Man of 1,000 Demons” to travelers and visitors            57     Luxury House
            to scare them.
                                                                          Kurai Hitokage Fortress (Location: SE: V36)
         3.  Kurai District citizens are known for not cooper-           Level of Law Enforcement: Moderate-Low
            ating with authority figures.                                Level of Corruption: N/A
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