P. 13

Affiliation Quests
                                                                PART 2     “Here Comes Trouble”
            To become affiliated with the Kurai Hitokage
         Ninja Clan players must complete the following         Location: Kurai District
         quests:                                                   As the PC(s) round another corner there is a

         QUEST 1: “Invitation to A Party”                       group of four ominous men standing in a huddle
                                                                (none are armed).  They look like trouble, yet pay the
         QUEST 2: “Meet the Family”                             PC(s) no mind.
         QUEST 3: “The Raid”
                                                                GM NOTE:  Should the PC(s) walk past the group,
         quest 1: “Invitation to A Party”                       the group will follow them.  Should the PC(s) turn
                                                                around and go back the other way the group will fol-
         Requirements: N/A                                      low the PC(s).  At this time ask the PC(s) to do an
                                                                Awareness Test to determine if they can identify if
         NPC Characters of Contact                              they are being followed.   Do not tell the PC(s) why
                                                                they are performing this test until they discover the
            -Group of thieves                                   pursuers.

            -Kurai Hitokage Ninja                               Negative Detection Response:
            -Konachi                                               If the PC(s) do not discover their pursuers the
                                                                GM should introduce another group of three unarmed
         Properties                                             men waiting for them around the following two more
            -Kurai District
                                                                GM NOTE: Perform the Awareness Tests as the
         Environment                                            group turns each corner.
            -Honshu Prefecture, Shizuoka; 68°                   Positive Detection Response:

         Summary                                                If the PC(s) do discover the pursuers the group they
                                                                may opt for one of the two scenario options:
            The troubles that brew in the Kurai Hitokage           Option #1 Fight:  If the PC(s) decide to fight the
         province is commonplace.  As the PC(s) walk about         group two more unarmed men will join the
         they find out how true this really is.  Since the area    thieves.
         teems with thieves, gangsters and vagabonds, any          Option #2 Flight:  If the PC(s) elect to run from
         stranger in the parts may become a target.  Thankful-     the group, two unarmed men will cut them off
         ly the Kurai Hitokage Clan keep a watchful eye on         should they escape around two corners.
         those who seem as though they can become mem-          PART 3     “To Whom Do You Belong?”
                                                                Location: Kurai District
         PART 1     “Maybe I Could Move Here”
                                                                   The PC(s) have been cornered.  One of the
         Location: Kurai District                               thieves steps forward confidently.  He sneers with

            It’s a late night that the PC(s) have unknowingly   each step, and the others nod in anticipation.  This
         wandered into West-Southwest-South; C29 of the         man seems to garner respect, more than the others,
         Kurai District.  Several shops are closed and or clos-  yet presents no physical attributes that determine hi-
         ing, and the streets are busy with people rushing to   erarchy.  He cracks his knuckles in his hand as he
         get home or to the nearest Inn.                        approaches, yet stops just out of range from the PC(s)
                                                                to speak.
         GM NOTE: Allow the PC(s) to explore and ask
         questions, before springing the group of bandits on    GM NOTE: Allow the PC(s) to answer each ques-
         them.  Giving them  false sense of security is the goal.   tion they are asked.  Mention of the Kurai Hitokage
         If they are searching for the Kurai Hitokage Clan      Clan by the PC(s) will garner laughter from the
         and are asking the locals, the locals have no infor-   group of thieves.
         mation to share and will act as though the PC(s) are

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