P. 12

Expert Training Curriculum

         7th BLACK: Experience Points Required: 700
         ATTRIBUTE BONUS: +2 to Awareness Points; +800 Ki Energy Points
         ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Double/Triple Image– The ability to create two (2) or three (3) of the same
         type of image.
         Ki Energy               Range                                    Description/Effects
             10         Control Max.= 1/2 User TR  1D4 Odds & Evens roll to distract target
             20        Control Max.= 3/4 User TR  Target will leave post to investigate for 1D4 melee rounds

             30          Control Max.= User TR       1D4 Odds & Evens roll to distract target; 1D4 Odds & Evens
                                                     roll for Status Effect: Stunned

         8th BLACK: Experience Points Required: 800
         ATTRIBUTE BONUS: +2 to Strength Points; +900 Ki Energy Points
         ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Fabricate– The ability to create a look alike image that has attributes.

         Ki Energy               Range                                    Description/Effects
             10         Control Max.= 1/2 User TR  Fabricated Image Attributes= 1/3 of creator attributes
             20        Control Max. = 3/4 User TR  Fabricated Image Attributes= 1/2 of creator attributes
             30          Control Max. = User TR     Fabricated Image Attributes= 2/3 of creator attributes

         9th BLACK: Experience Points Required: 900
         ATTRIBUTE BONUS: +10 to Health Points; +1,000 Ki Energy Points
         ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Anywhere– The ability instantly to travel anywhere the character has visited
         with passengers.

         Ki Energy  Range                                      Description/Effects
             10         0      User may carry up to one (1)1 passenger, User receives –3 HEA per passenger

             20         0      User may carry up to two (2) passengers, User receives –2 HEA per passenger
             30         0      User may carry up to three (3) passengers, User receives –1 HEA per passenger

         MASTER: Experience Points Required: 1,000

         ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Akuma No Hitokage– The ability to release an inner demon after surviving the
         Okumatte Shiken.

          Ki Energy  Range                                     Description/Effects
             10          0     Demon boosts character attributes according to the selected demon.  This technique
                               may last up to 1D20 melee rounds, or determined by the demon selected.
             20          0     Demon boosts character attributes according to the selected demon, with an extra +1 to
                               every attribute.  This technique may last up to 1D20+10 melee rounds, or determined
                               by the demon selected.
             30          0     Demon boosts character attributes according to the selected demon, with an extra +2 to
                               every attribute.  This technique may last up to 1D20+15 melee rounds, or determined
                               by the demon selected.

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