P. 15

           We have gathered here today to witness what is to        As Toru goes into the cave, the remaining mem-
           come of all us my brothers and sisters.  The ninja   bers of the crowd are given a special assignment.
         Toru has ascended, and has declared that he wishes to   Upon completion, they will be granted permission
           endure the Okumatte Shiken.  Should he survive,      into the Kurai Hitokage Ninja Clan and be able to
           Toru will emerge with great power and truly have
          mastered the art of Kurai Hitokage Ninjutsu.  As he   learn the secrets of ninjutsu.
         makes his was through the forest and into the cavern,
         should there any among you who feel ready to begin     PART 1     “Your Mission”
          their training in the art of Kurai Hitokage Ninjutsu   Location: Kurai District
                         come forward now.
                                                                    The ninja Toru begins his trial walking into the
         PART 2      “Delivered”
                                                                forest.  The sleeping persons not interested in becom-
         Location: Kurai District                               ing Kurai Hitokage ninja are taken away.  For the

            After his invitation, Ono looks over the crowd.     remainder, Ono steps down from his podium and
         Should the PC(s) decide to become a member of this     speaks to the remaining people in attendance.
         clan, Ono will speak to them.                                                 ONO

                                ONO                             For those who remain, the task is simple.  Retrieve an
                                                                item of value of your choice from any of the shops in
           You wish to join the ranks of the Kurai Hitokage?      the city of Fujinomiya.  Do not be seen.  If you are
                         Present your scroll.                   seen, you must kill without regard.  When you return
         GM NOTE: The PC(s) should present the scroll            with your item, you will receive an artifacts so pre-
         Konachi gave them earlier.  If there are any PC(s)             cious it cannot be sold at any market.
         who do not wish to be apart of this clan they will be   PART 2     “Training, Without Training”
         shot with a tranquilizer and wake up in an inn within
         the Kurai Hitokage District after the completion of    Location: Shizuoka Prefecture, Fujinomiya
         Affiliation Quest 3 by any PC(s) who wanted to join
         the clan.  They will no longer have the scroll, as well      The PC(s) have traveled to the city of Fujinomiya
         they will have vague recollection of the things they   with the goal of retrieving something of significance
         witnessed and believe it to be a dream.                and return it to Ono of the Kurai Hitokage Ninja
         GM NOTE: Rewards                                       Clan.  The city is dark and seems right for the taking.

            -Experience Points= TBD                             GM NOTE: The city is asleep.  Use Odds & Evens
                                                                for PC(s) stumbling upon law officers, drunks, civil-
            -Points of Renown= TBD
                                                                ians, etc. as the PC(s) move about the city.  Use the
            -Ki Energy= TBD
                                                                Rules for Guarding and Stealth found in the Ninja vs.
            -Hansatsu= 0                                        Samurai RPG Player’s Manual.
            -Affiliation Points= 5
                                                                PART 3      “Returning with the Prize”
         Quest 3: “The Raid”
                                                                Location: Kurai District
         Requirements: 10 Kurai Hitokage Affiliation Points         Upon success of entry, retrieval, and return of the
         NPC Characters of Contact                              PC(s) they will find Ono still at the cave site.  He will
            -Ono                                                exchange the items for the Kurai Hitokage student
                                                                medallion and give each a monetary award.  When all
            -Fujinomiya Citizen                                 gifts are exchanged, Ono will disappear into the cave.
            -Fujinomiya Police Officer                          GM NOTE: Rewards
         Properties                                             -Experience Points= TBD    -Points of Renown= TBD

            -Kurai District                                     -Ki Energy= TBD                -Hansatsu= 40
                                                                -Affiliation Points                -Affiliation Points= 5
                                                                -Kurai Hitokage Medallion
            -Shizuoka Prefecture, Fujinomiya
                                                                -Kurai Hitokage Shinobi Shozuko
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