P. 17
Random Encounters of the Kurai District
Helping the Helpless Save the Princess
Location: Northwest Q6 Location: Northeast T7
A group of adventurers have arrived in the vil- The daughter of a local politician/Noble person
lage, and is licking their wounds from a previous al- keeps getting kidnapped by local yokai. The party is
tercation. They are planning another mission, yet hired to solve the problem once and for all.
believe they need assistants gathering intel on a par- Equine in the Rough
ticular shipment they haven’t been able to get close Location: Northeast C29
Locked Out A horse, fully equipped, with no rider is walking
in the opposite direction of the party. There is a note
Location: TBD by GM pinned to it's saddlebags, "Send help!"
An angry Kijimuna tinkers with the sleeping par- Into the Moshi Forest
ty's equipment. Everything now has a hard lock on it. Location: Northwest A14
Sick As A Dog
The PC(s) decide to take a shortcut through a
Location: Southeast G25 friendly looking section of the forest to get to another
Weird noises have been heard at night coming section of town. It seems oddly silent, and soon notice
from an older resident's home in town. When investi- all of the wildlife is in a deep slumber; including in-
gated, the PC(s) discover a worried old man attempt- sects and even flowers. As their eyes get heavier and
ing to disguise his worry about the PC’s interest in heavier a wild man bursts out of the bushes, eyes
the noise. If convinced that your aid is genuine, or if propped open with twigs.
more discreet measures of observations are taken, the Sick of it All
PC(s) discover his wife is afflicted with Shigellosis
(Ninja vs. Samurai Player’s Manual page 131). Location: Northwest F3
God’s and Goblins A local inn owner is having trouble with gang
members robbing his, and only his, patrons either be-
Location: Southwest K31 fore or after they enter his place of business. He is
The district citizens are complaining about a Oni fed up and willing to pay nearly anything for this
tribe that has set up camp near by. They are acting menace to be eradicated.
strange and have begun constructing statues all over Bazzaro World Selves
the area.
Location: Southeast G12
A Man About Town
The PC(s) cross paths with a party of identical
Location: Southwest P29 adventurers. They have been tracking them down for
As the party is walking down the road they come a long time, following rumors of a party of adventur-
across a beggar. He is crippled and asks for some ers giving them a bad name. Worst of all, they seem
money to help him buy food, yet is very rude. As the to have been adventuring longer.
party continues to walk down the road they find an- Bad Patch of Grass
other beggar who looks exactly like the one they just
met! When asked he says that he doesn’t have a twin Location: Southeast B20
brother or anything of the sort. He too behaves rude- Construction of a new Geisha Compound has
ly, and doesn’t know what the party is talking about been halted when it is found that all the workers con-
and only wants money to buy food. As the party con- tinue to forget what they're building, could the new
tinues to walk they find the same man yet again. He location be to blame?
is rude as well, and knows nothing. Upon further in- Missing Persons Report
vestigation they discoverer that the man was once an
assistant to a local monk. And the wizard is an expert Location: Northeast D6
in Illusion. While in the Inn, the PC(s) overhear about a log-
ging village up north that has put up a massive reward
for any adventurers willing to travel there, investigate
the rash of disappearances and locate any of the miss-
ing persons: dead or alive.