P. 14
Question #1: “Why are you here?” -Experience Points= TBD
Question #2: “Who are you?” -Points of Renown= TBD
Question #3: “What are you looking for?” -Ki Energy= TBD
Question #4: “Where are you from/going?” -Hansatsu= 10
That’s all fine, but why don’t you hand over your be- -Affiliation Points= 5
longings before you get hurt?” -Kurai Hitokage Invitation Scroll
Shortly after these questions, the front man gives Quest 2: “Meet The Family”
the order to attack to his henchmen. They approach
cautiously with dastardly intentions. Requirements: 5 Kurai Hitokage Affiliation Points
NPC Characters of Contact
PART 4 “Along Comes A Ninja” -Kurai Hitokage Clan
Location: Kurai District -Ono
When things seem insurmountable there is a swift Properties
wind that passes killing half of the thieves. If the rest -Kurai District
of the thieves prove too powerful for the PC(s) anoth-
er wind passes eliminating the rest. Environment
-Honshu Prefecture, Shizuoka; 68°
GM NOTE: When the front man is left, he will run
away. The PC(s) are left face-to-face with three Ku- Summary
rai Hitokage Ninjas. One of the Ninjas will take Aokigahara is known as the Suicide Forest or Sea
what was stolen from the group and keep it.
of Trees that lies at the northwest base of Mount Fuji
PART 5 “Cordially Invited” in Japan. The forest contains a number of rocky, icy
caverns. Due to the wind-blocking density of the
Location: Kurai District
trees and an absence of nearly any wildlife, the forest
The Kurai Hitokage Ninja leader walks toward is known for being exceptionally quiet. The forest
the PC(s) as the other two ninjas search the dead has a historic association with demons in Japanese
thieves. She covers her face with her hand and flips mythology and is a popular place for suicides. This
her long white hair out of her face. is the location the PC(s) have been instructed to go to
KONACHI should they chose to join the Kurai Hitokage.
They will come back to finish you off. Your best bet PART 1 “This Isn’t Kansas”
is to gain protection by joining our clan. We are the
Kurai Hitokage Ninja. Location: Kurai District
Those bandits only ran off to get more members. The PC(s) have agreed to meet Konachi in the
You are a target now. They will come find you no
matter where you roam. You’ve made yourselves Aokigahara Forest. As they wander through the
their enemy by not complying. Should you chose to woods they hear many feint eerie sounds. There is a
join us, come to Aokigahara Forest, South-Southeast- faint smell of blood in the air that seems as though it
East; O19, at midnight tonight, and bring this scroll. has existed since the dawn of time. As the group
The PC(s) are left standing alone after Konachi travels the sound becomes less and less supernatural.
and the other ninjas for the Kurai Hitokage seem to
disappear into the night air high above the rooftops of The PC(s) come to a clearing and see what looks
the district. like a ceremony dedicated to raising the dead. Sever-
al Ninja are looking straight forward at a figure
standing on top of a large rock. A large bonfire burns
behind him. Kneeling in front of him is a blonde
haired man with his hands bound behind his back.