P. 11

Advanced Training Curriculum

         3rd BLACK: Experience Points Required: 300
         ATTRIBUTE BONUS: +10 to Health Points; +200 Ki Energy Points

         ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Short Range– The ability to instantly travel a short distance in one (1) STA.
          Ki Energy  Range                                      Description/Effects

             10          0     Character may instantly travel a maximum length of the 1/3 the distance of the Throw-
                               ing Range
             20          0     Character may instantly travel a maximum length of the 1/2 the distance of the Throw-
                               ing Range
             30          0     Character may instantly travel a maximum length of the Throwing Range

         4th BLACK: Experience Points Required: 400
         ATTRIBUTE BONUS: +1 to Physical Beauty, +1 to Stamina Points; +300 Ki Energy Points

         ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Create Image– The ability to create one, two dimensional image against a wall.
          Ki Energy              Range                                    Description/Effects
             10         Control Max.= 1/2 User TR  1D4 Odds & Evens roll for target to investigate

             20        Control Max.= 3/4 User TR  Target will leave post to investigate for 1D4 melee rounds
             30          Control Max.= User TR      Target will investigate; 1D4 Odds & Evens roll for Status Effect:

         5th BLACK: Experience Points Required: 500
          ATTRIBUTE BONUS: +2 to Defensive Points; +500 Ki Energy Points

         ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Three Dimensional Image–  The ability to create a single, free-standing, three
         dimensional image.
          Ki Energy              Range                                     Description/Effects
              10         Control Max.= 1/2 User TR  1D4 Odds & Evens roll for target to investigate
              20        Control Max.= 3/4 User TR  Target will leave post to investigate for 1D4 melee rounds
              30         Control Max.= User TR       1D4 Odds & Evens roll to distract target; 1D4 Odds & Evens
                                                     roll for Status Effect: Frightened

         6th BLACK: Experience Points Required: 600
         Attribute Bonus: +2 to Carry Points; +600 Ki Energy Points
         ACQUIRED MYSTIC ART: Passenger(s)– The ability to carry up to five passengers during a teleportation.

          Ki Energy  Range                                      Description/Effects
              10         0     Characters may instantly travel a maximum length of the 1/3 the distance of the
                               Throwing Range, User receives –5 HEA per passenger.
              20         0     Characters may instantly travel a maximum length of the 1/2 the distance of the
                               Throwing Range, User receives –6 HEA per passenger.

              30         0     Characters may instantly travel a maximum length of the Throwing Range, User re-
                               ceives –7 HEA per passenger.
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