P. 205

Keikoumono No Kusazuri                                      Riki No Kusazuri

                          Kusazuri of Carry                                     Kusazuri of Strength
         DESCRIPTION:  The Kusazuri of Carry lends its          DESCRIPTION:  The Strength Kusazuri is enchant-
         power to the wearer’s legs strengthening them to en-   ed to enhance the strength of one who wraps this ar-
         dure the weight of extra objects.  This armor comes    mor around their waist.  From the northern most re-
         from Saitama during the early years of the establish-  gion of Hokkaido, this armor is sought after by ad-
         ment of the empire.                                    venturers and collectors alike.

         POWER: +2 Carry Points when                            POWER: +2 to Strength Points
         equipped.                        WGT  AR  LiE          when equipped.                    WGT  AR  LiE
                                             1     10  100                                         1.5     9    100

         LEVEL: Red Belt                                        LEVEL: 2nd Degree Black Belt

         MARKET VALUE: 410 Hansatsu                             MARKET VALUE: 430 Hansatsu

                                                 Shou Bishu and Kokoro Yatome                  Enchanted Kote
                        Raikou No Kusazuri                                     Gekimetsu No Kote

                        Kusazuri of Lightning                                   Kote of Destruction

         DESCRIPTION:  Another                                  DESCRIPTION:  The Kote
         armor enchanted with the abil-                         of Destruction glow with the
         ity to deflect lightning is this                       hatred of Hell’s demons.  Iden-                        C
         Kusazuri.  Found in the region                         tified by the evil golden eyes                         h a
         of Honshu in the Aichi prefec-                         found just above the knuckle                           p
         ture, the origins of this armor                        and an occasional black mist                           e
         remain a mystery.                                      that swirls down the wrist and                         r
                                                                into the palm, this weapon is

                                                                feared throughout all of Japan.
         POWER: -1 Attack damage
         points from attacks with weap-
         ons which strike with the  ef-                         POWER: +3 to Strength
         fect of lightning.                                     Points when equipped.            WGT  AR  LiE
                                          WGT  AR  LiE
                                                                                                    .1    10  100
                                            2      16  120
         LEVEL: 1st Degree Black Belt                           LEVEL: Brown Belt
         MARKET VALUE: 420 Hansatsu                             MARKET VALUE: 400 Hansatsu

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