P. 203

Raikou No Sode                                       Ryouchi No Kabuto
                          Sode of Lightning                                     Kabuto of Knowing

         DESCRIPTION: The Kami, Raijin showed favor to          DESCRIPTION:  This helmet is adorned with two
         an old man who regularly paid heavy tithes to the      emeralds fashioned in the shape of the eye’s of an
         shrine in his province.  In hs gratitude the Kami      owl located on the forehead.  Its origins are un-
         blessed the man’s armor with the power of lightning.   known, however the piece of armor is known for giv-
                                                                ing insight to its wearer.

         POWER: -1 Attack damage points from attacks
         which strike with the lightning                        POWER: +1 Awareness Point
         effect.                          WGT  AR  LiE          when equipped.                   WGT  AR  LiE
                                            .5     15  120                                          .5    15  100

         LEVEL: 1st Degree Black Belt                           LEVEL: Brown Belt

         MARKET VALUE: 420 Hansatsu                             MARKET VALUE: 400 Hansatsu

                                                                                  Riki No Kabuto

                                                                                 Kabuto of Strength
                                                                DESCRIPTION:  As a way to gain an advantage for
                                                                a duel, a warrior had his helmet blessed with the
                                                                power to give him extra strength.  Since, the armor
                                                                has exchanged hands several times, yet the legend
                                                                behind the weapon has never been forgotten.
                                                  Kiyo Manata

         Enchanted Kabuto
                                                                POWER: +2 to Strength when        WGT  AR  LiE

                         Shyubi No Kabuto                       equipped.                           .5    10  100
                                                                LEVEL: Red Belt
                          Kabuto of Defense
                                                                MARKET VALUE: 410 Hansatsu
         DESCRIPTION:  The pur-
         pose of armor is to protect its                                                                               C
         wearer.  This piece of armor,                                         Sokusai No Kabuto                       h
         however, does more than its                                                                                   a p
         fair share of defense.  Enchant-                                        Kabuto of Health                      t
         ed to increase the wearers de-                         DESCRIPTION:   The “Kenko”, the Japanese sym-          r
         fensive ability the helmet is a                        bol for health, distinguishes this helmet from other
         great asset to the one who ben-                        helmets  a wearer can claim.  Crafted from Jade, the
         efits from its power.                                  emblem gives quality to this helmet and improves
                                                                health greater than most.

         POWER: +1 to Defensive
         Points  Attribute when equipped.                       POWER: +15 Health Points         WGT  AR  LiE
                                          WGT  AR  LiE
                                                                when worn.                          .5    20  105
                                            .5     15  100
         LEVEL: Brown Belt                                      LEVEL: Red Belt
                                                                MARKET VALUE: 410 Hansatsu
         MARKET VALUE: 400 Hansatsu
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