P. 199

Enchanted DoU                                                             Riki No Dou

                         Sokuryoku No Dou                                         Dou of Strength

                            Dou of Speed                        DESCRIPTION: Identified
                                                                by its bulky appearance, the
         DESCRIPTION: This Dou                                  Dou of Strength makes the
         has been enchanted to enhance                          wearer one of the mightiest
         the wearer’s speed.  Although                          warriors in the land.  With
         light in weight, it is very pro-                       power that comes from the act
         tective.  Identifiable by the                          of violence, this Dou protects
         Kanji of speed on the back,                            like no other.
         this armor is a sought after
         item for many historical ad-
         ventures of Japan.                                     POWER: +2 Strength Points

                                                                to the attacks done by the
                                                                wearer.  +2 to rolls for Power
         POWER: +2 Movement                                     Strike.                          WGT  AR  LiE
                                          WGT  AR  LiE                                             1.5    15  150

                                            1     20  150       LEVEL:  Brown Belt
         LEVEL: Brown Belt
                                                                MARKET VALUE: 400 Hansatsu
         MARKET VALUE: 400 Hansatsu

                                                                               Jikyuuryoku No Dou

                                                                                  Dou of Stamina

                          Raijin No Dou                         DESCRIPTION: The cyan Dou was created by the
                                                                famed Hagamanchu blacksmiths of Gifu.  The armor
                            Dou of Raijin                       was forged to give a young
                                                                prince extra energy to ward
         DESCRIPTION: In ancient
         times this chest plate was said                        off the hordes of men trying to
         to be worn by the human form                           thwart his father’s empire.
         of the God Raijin.  When he                            Trying to gain the most re-                            C
         left this realm, he left behind                        spect from his father, the                             h a
         this Dou armor to protect those                        young prince took his armor to                         p t
         who wear it from weapons en-                           the blacksmiths to have it en-                         e
         chanted with lightning.                                chanted with their dark art.                           r
                                                                Now, a wearer is blessed with
                                                                special abilities.

         POWER: -1 Attack damage
         points from attacks with the
         effect of lightning.                                   POWER: +2 Stamina Points         WGT  AR  LiE
                                          WGT  AR  LiE          while equipped.
                                                                                                    1     20  150
                                             1     25  150
         LEVEL: 1st Degree Black Belt
                                                                LEVEL: Purple Belt
         MARKET VALUE: 420 Hansatsu
                                                                MARKET VALUE: 440 Hansatsu

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