P. 194
Ultimate Yumi and Ya
Kibou Yumi
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
1 Varied TR x4 240 1 1 1
DESCRIPTION: In the times during the formation er returned to the leader of the Minamoto Clan with
of the empire many families fought and feuded for a fantastic black and turquois bow and arrow. This
various reasons. Some wanted to become the bow had no string, and arrow stock that con-
rulers of the nation. Some fought to de- tained five arrows in a fixed position. It
fend their land. Others fought to resist was guaranteed to contained everything
change. Two particular families had needed to bring an end to the Ensei
been locked in war for a long time. era.
The Gempei War between the Mi- POWER: The arrow stock is worn
namoto Clan and Taira Kiyomori as normal. When the user wants
clan waged in Kyoto. The to fire a weapon they need only
Insei era was a time of ending of stroke the feathers of one of the
this war. During what was to arrows and say, “Watashi Ga
be a decisive battle that the Mi- Nozomu...” which translates to,
namoto was sure to win, a mis- “ I wish for...”. In the next step,
hap within the ranks of the the user must perform the draw-
archers lead to a surprising de- ing motion and recite one of the
feat. A failed communication five wishes below:
allowed enough time for the
advancing Kiyomori Clan to
gain an advantageous position Wish List
and drive out the Minamoto
Clan, delivering a hefty blow to 1-Toku Karashi= Death from
their numbers and seemingly afar: Instant Critical Hit; +2 to
swing the war in favor of the Ki- Attack Roll
yomori Clan. The Minamoto Clan 2-Chi no Namida= Blood rain: Cre-
was left wounded and needing new ate a rain storm of arrows for 1D4
strategy. The general of the army was melee covering 1D12x2ft.
h beheaded by the leader of the Kiyomori 3-Yukinba no Namida=Tears of the
a Clan, and they went into hiding. For a
p Snow hag: 1D12 sq. ft. area is frozen;
t decade the Kiyomori Clan lay dormant pre-
e (apply rules of extreme cold)
r paring their next attack. The leader of the
Minomoto Clan sought the efforts of monks and 4-Minamoto Yoritomo no Fukushu=Revenge of Mi-
priests who, because of his intentions, turned him namoto: A single arrow shot that hits 1D6 targets;
away. Yet, by chance the leader of the clan encoun- Roll Odds & Evens once per target. For success or
tered a sorcerer. failure.
The sorcerer informed the leader that he has been 5-Teishi Jikan=Stop time: All motion covering a
following the events of clan wars and ensured that if 1D12 sq. ft. area is stopped for 1D8 melee
the leader give him a large amount of money he will
provide the Minomoto Clan with a weapon that will
not only swing the war into their favor, but end the LEVEL: 7th Degree Black Belt
feud. The leader accepted, and days later the sorcer- MARKET VALUE: 6,000 Hansatsu