P. 193

Ultimate Shuriken
                                       Eien No Nageru Hoshi

                                     Weight    AtP    Rng     LiE    Mas     Vel    CoA

                                       .5      45      1      200     1       1      1

         DESCRIPTION:  After a period of meditation, an         muster the old ninja threw it, and watched it soar, and
         old ninja was enjoying a bath in a hot spring where    was again elated by a soft high pitched whistle it
         he watched a bird glide                                                         emitted as it flew.  It
         overhead.  He marveled                                                          seemed to travel longer
         at how the bird was able                                                        than he had ever thrown
         to travel for a long dis-                                                       despite him being old and
         tance from one branch to                                                        feeble.  Just when he was
         the next without flapping                                                       going to retrieve the weap-
         its wings.  The out-                                                            on he realized he was still
         stretched wings, head and                                                       holding it.  Again and again
         neck reminded the ninja                                                         the ninja threw the weapon,
         of a shuriken.  He began                                                        and marveled that a new
         drawing a picture of a                                                          shuriken was in his hand
         shuriken.  Once complet-                                                        every time he wanted to
         ed, that drawing became                                                         throw it.  He cried tears of
         an obsession.  So much                                                          joy and returned it to the
         so, that the ninja sought                                                       box.  When he looked in-
         the creation of a weapon.                                                       side he found an inscription
         While speaking to the                                                           that read, “Infinity”.
         forger he was told that
         such a beautiful shuriken
         would require an eternity                                                       POWER: This is a single
         to form to perfect its bal-                                                     Shuriken that is always in
         ance to perform the way                                                         hand.  A mere throwing
         the man wanted.  The                                                            motion sends the weapon
         ninja understood, accept-                                                       toward a target.  Throwing
         ed and waited.  Forever it                                                      Range x3; Mystic Ability:
         seemed that the ninja                                                           Detonate= Saying,             C h
         lived.  Yet every  day he                                                       “Bakuhatsu Sa Seru” will      a p
         woke with the anticipa-                                                         cause the shuriken to ex-     t
         tion of receiving his                                                           plode with an Attack of 50    e r
         weapon.  In his final days                                                      Points of damage as well as
         came a knock on his door.  Decrepit feeble and old,    an Odds & Evens roll for fire damage.  Shuriken will
         the ninja opened the door where he was greeted by a    reappear in the box after detonation in 3 melee
         skeleton.  The skeleton was carrying a small, wooden   rounds.
         box.  The skeleton told the white-haired ninja that he
         had finally finished the weapon.  With that the skele-
         ton opened the box and immediately dissolved into a    LEVEL: 7th Degree Black Belt
         pile of ash at the ninja’s door step.  Elated, the ninja   MARKET VALUE: 4,000 Hansatsu
         retrieved the box and opened it.  He marveled at the
         shuriken as its white pearlescent finish shone brightly
         in the day’s sunlight.  With all the strength he could

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