P. 188

The Ultimate Naginata:
                                          Zenpan Kara Juchu

                                     Weight    AtP    Rng     LiE    Mas     Vel    CoA
                                        1      35      3      245      2      1      1

         DESCRIPTION:  One of the first generals of the         elled to ensure that the emperor’s civilians followed
         emperor's army was Daimyo                                                     them.  As time passed, Jiru
         Kanada Jiru.  A small man                                                      grew old and as the Empire
         with a distinguishable limp,                                                    solidified, the General
         severe dental disfiguration,                                                    passed away.  Without Ji-
         and an intrusive lisp while                                                     ru’s lead, the army lost
         he spoke.  He became one                                                        much of its ferocity.  More
         of the most feared men of                                                       often, small towns would
         the Empirical army.  This                                                       resist empirical law and
         ferocity is said to stem from                                                   what once required minimal
         the General’s upbringing.                                                       effort to maintain, now re-
         Before his rank was                                                             quired more resources.
         achieved, Kanada suffered                                                       Seeing the trouble ahead,
         from the time of his birth.                                                     Jiru’s soldiers desecrated
         Surviving an abusive fa-                                                        the General’s grave and
         ther, a tormented child-                                                        brought the General’s
         hood, and miserable adult-                                                      weapon and remains to a
         hood, Kanada grew to                                                            dark priest who created the
         loathe mankind.  While liv-                                                     Zenpan Kara Juchu, an in-
         ing as a hermit, Kanada’s                                                       fusion of General Jiru’s
         village was attacked.                                                           very essence.
         Though he tried to fight
         the invaders Kanada was
         severely wounded, taken,                                                        POWER: +1 Control Roll;
         and made a conscript.                                                           Mystic Ability: Conscript’s
   C     Kanada hated military life.                                                     Revenge= Raise an army of
   a     The more he disobeyed, the                                                      1D8 soldiers to command
   p                                                                                     via a strike to the ground.
   t     more he was punished.
   r        During a tour of duty, a
         fellow conscript questioned Kanada’s motives of dis-   Soldier Attributes and Equipment
         obedience.  Instead, he suggested that Kanada turn     HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
         his hatred toward the enemy.  With that advice Kana-    100    6    1     4     3     5     6    4    3
         da became a whirlwind of destruction.  Raid after
         raid Kanada proved his worthiness and climbed the      Weapon: Basic Katana
         ranks of the army.  Eventually, the wars were over,    Weight    AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
         and standing as a General in the newly formed Army        1       20      1      67      1      2      1
         of the Empire was General Kanada Jiru.  His weapon
         of choice, a Naginata; lightened for speed.  Enforcing   LEVEL: 8th Degree Black Belt
         new policies on a nation requires work, as rebellions   MARKET VALUE: 7,500 Hansatsu
         are frequent.  Jiru and his branch of the military trav-
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