P. 184

POWER: Targets struck by this weapon are attacked
                                                                by one of the Yokai from the chart below:  Roll 1D4
                                                                to determine.

                                                                                 DEMON CHART
                                                                   1- Keukegen (Status Effect: Tuberculosis to target)

                                                                   HEA=50; CAR= 2; MOV= 3; AWA= 2
         Enchanted Ya
                                                                   DEF= 3; STR= 4; STA= 3; STE= 2
         NAME: Mekura No Ya
                                                                   2- Kubikajiri (Status Effect: N/A)
         (Yumi of Blindness)
                                                                   HEA=50 CAR= 1; MOV= 5; AWA= 3
         DESCRIPTION: This arrow flies with an enchant-            DEF= 3; STR= 4; STA= 4; STE= 6
         ment that warrants the target temporarily blind.  With
         the ability to steal sight from a target, several warri-     3- Yosei (Status Effect: Reanimate dead within
         ors with the intent to intrude on other’s property find          Throwing Range @ 1/2 Attributes)
         this weapon most effective.                               HEA=50 CAR= 2; MOV= 2; AWA= 2

         POWER: Target loses all Awareness Points lasting          DEF= 5; STR= 5; STA= 3; STE= 4
         1D8 melee rounds; Status Effect: Blinded
                                                                   4- Goryo (Status Effect: N/A)
          Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
                                                                   HEA=50 CAR= 2; MOV= 4; AWA= 4
            2      N/A  TRx2      140      2      2      2
                                                                   DEF= 4; STR= 3; STA= 3; STE= 5

         LEVEL: 1st Degree Black Belt

         MARKET VALUE: 75ea. Hansatsu                            Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
                                                                   2      N/A  TRx2      150    N/A     N/A  N/A

         NAME: Tsuku No Yumi                                    LEVEL: 2nd Degree Black Belt

         (Yumi of Haunting)                                     MARKET VALUE: 150ea. Hansatsu

   C     DESCRIPTION: The creators of this weapon had
   a     no intention for the power available from this arrow.
   p     During the enchanting process a summoner lost con-
   e     trol of several Yokai and they begin to run amuck in
         his laboratory.  As the demons haunted his forge he
         had to work against them one-by-one.  In a last ditch
         effort, the enchanter was able to connect the demons
         to different arrowheads.  However, the Yokai recog-
         nized that he was trying to control them and they at-
         tacked and killed him before the spell could be com-
         pleted.  Fortunately, the summoner was able to trap
         some of the Yokai to the arrows, and that is where
         they remain; waiting for a chance to severe their
         bond with the arrows through contact with an unsus-
         pecting target.                                                                    Goro and Mika Tominogoshi

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