P. 189
The Ultimate Yari:
Ryu No Kiba
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
.5 30 2 245 1 1 1
DESCRIPTION: battle, Daisuke
The last and larg- Matsunoshin lay
est dragon, Chichi wounded and the
Ryu (Father Drag- Chichi Ryu,
on) fled to Tama though alive, was
Hill, one of the crippled. Shortly
highest points in Tokyo Japan, while being hunted by after being
the dragon hunting group known as Satsugaisha. Us- brought back to safety, Daisuke Matsunoshin slipped
ing the high elevation and treacherous terrain, Chichi into a coma. During the Ronin’s recovery, doctors
Ryu terrorized the lower regions of Tokyo, raiding removed one of the Chichi Ryu’s teeth from the mas-
and escaping to his elevated safe-haven. The elevat- ters leg. As a reward to the Ronin, the Satsugai-sha
ed region proved most difficult for the Satsugai-sha had a forger fashion the tooth into a spear. However,
group as Chichi Ryu was able to thwart their advanc- before the Ronin could awaken and receive his gift
es. Over time, the number of Satsugai-sha members the spear mysteriously vanished. Every so often a C
decreased. The group became desperate and sought tale of a spear with unimaginable power would sur- h
the assistance of the famous Ronin, Daisuke face throughout various regions of Japan. This tale a p
Matsunoshin. After several pleas and bribery at- grabs the attention of those who seek great power. t
tempts the Ronin joined the side of the Satsugai-sha. POWER: Successful Power Strikes cause fire dam- r
age. Telekinesis of objects within the throwing range
With Daisuke’s help the group continued to pur-
sue the dragon gaining more and more knowledge as of the character that have a weight between 1-50; +1
to where his hideout may be. Following one of the STA; Odds & Evens roll after Power Strike to see if
great dragon’s raids, the Satsugai-sha gave chase. targets below owners belt level flea; +10 to Critical
Ronin Matsunoshin, being ever powerful, was able to Strike; +5 to Fatal Strike.
catch the dragon, and stood face-to-face with Chichi
Ryu at the mouth of his lair. The battle between man LEVEL: 8th Degree Black Belt
and beast was brutal. Matsunoshin used nearly all of
his skills to defeat the great Chichi Ryu. When the MARKET VALUE: 8,250 Hansatsu
Satsugai-sha members finally arrived at the site of the