P. 191
Ultimate Ono
Nogatachi No monodane No Ono
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
.5 50 1 270 2 1 1
DESCRIPTION: Known in Japan for being able to the Shukumei-Ken, Nogatachi would have to seek the
create the most accurate manifestations of custom power of an enchanter. Once again Nogatachi’s
weapons, the forger curse reared it’s head.
Nogatachi earned Consumed in deciding
praise that rivaled oth- which enchantment the
er great creators in the weapons should take,
nation. Although Nogatachi decided that
Nogatachi was gifted, the weapon would need
he would tell people the power of the ele-
who met him that he ments, and so not being
felt as though he was able to decide on a sin-
cursed. His gift of gle element, he chose
crafting weapons for them all. Finally, the
others never extended crafting of the Noga-
itself to Nogatachi, and tachi No Monodane No
he was angered. Ono was complete.
Nogatachi, like most POWER: Convert no
forgers, wanted to cre- more than 15 damage
ate a piece that would points from Fire, Ice,
remain a testament to Wind, Water, Earth or
his life’s work. Lightning attacks into
Though he would any attribute points for
begin such a weapon, the user for 1D20 melee
he was never fully sat- rounds. Use elements
isfied with it before it to perform a Special
was completed, and he Power Strike.
would destroy it.
Special Power Strike Type: C
Nogatachi’s weapon had to be beautiful unique, h
powerful and practical. And so, Nogatachi believed ***By declaring the use of an element, holders may a p
that the only weapon that could become what he perform Power Strikes with these varied modified t e
wanted would be an Ono; the noble axe. It took effects: r
Nogatachi seven tries to find the correct blend of FIRE= +1D12 burn damage lasting 1D6 melee
metals to make this weapon function and withstand rounds
weather and battle. He wrapped its handle in the fin-
est leathers and silk to provide a great haft. It was WATER= +5 LiE to all target’s armor and/or weap-
adorned and engraved with a blessing. When finally ons
constructed, Nogatachi held it, yet was unsatisfied. AIR= +2 to Fatal Strike Roll
Nogatachi wanted more. Though the weapon was EARTH= +Trap 1 target’s feet for 1D8 melee rounds
fantastic in appearance and function, it did not meet
the standard for which he wanted to achieve. For it LEVEL: 7th Degree Black Belt
to challenege the classification of weapons such as MARKET VALUE: 5,000 Hansatsu