P. 196
Ultimate Tonfa
Kokina kodomo-tachi
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
.5ea N/A N/A 240 N/A N/A N/A
DESCRIPTION: Throughout history there is no would take dominion of the other depending on the
more noted separation than one that exists between time of day. When the tonfa was delivered, Izanagi
two of the "three noble children", of the heav- remained hopeful that the mission would succeed,
ens. Amaterasu, however, still dis-
goddess of the traught by the loss
sun, and her of her friend,
brother/husband Amaterasu respect-
Tsukuyomi, the fully declined
Shinto god of the Izanagi’s of-
moon, feuded fer. Infuriated,
more fiercely than Izanagi relegated
any other mytho- the two to work
logical pair. As opposite each oth-
the tale is told, er, and flung the
Tsukuyomi an- weapon from the
gered Amaterasu heavens.
when he killed
Uke Mochi, the
goddess of food. Tsukuyomi found out that Uke Mo- POWER:
chi made the food by spitting out a fish, making DURING THE DAY- the weapon-pair gains its pow-
game come out of her mouth, and that she coughed er from Amaterasu, with Tsukuyomi hindrances: Sun
up the bowl of rice. This disgusting manner fueled Bonus: +1D4 to Power Strike Roll; +1D4 Strength
the moon god’s rage and he killed her. Amaterasu Points; Touching the Sun Tonfa to the forehead will
soon learned what happened to Uke Mochi and she give the user 1D4 Awareness Points. Moon Hin-
was so angry that she refused to ever look at Tsukuy- drance: -3 to Stealth Points; -2 to Movement Points
omi again, forever moving to another part of the sky.
DURING THE NIGHT- the weapon-pair gains its
Though the news of Uke Mochi’s death saddened
C power from Tsukuyomi, with Amaterasu hindrances:
h the other Kami, it was the news that the two, who
a Moon Bonus: +1D4 to Stealth Points; +1D4 to Phys-
p seemed to be inseparable, were now forever apart
t that gained their attention. Several of the Kami tried ical Beauty; +1D4 to Critical and Fatal Strike Roll
e Points; +1D6 to Health Regeneration after encoun-
r to speak reason to Amaterasu, who continued to
weep, only giving them a deaf ear. It wasn’t until ters Sun Hindrance: -3 to Strength Points; -2 to
Izanagi, the forefather of the gods, became involved Movement Points
that a possibility of a reunion had hope. In an at- Once per week the weapon pair may fully restore the
tempt to make peace between the two, the great Kami health and cure any negative Status Effects of the
contemplated over which weapon to deliver, involv- holder by touching the two together. A second touch
ing care and guidance. He wanted the weapon to not within the same week will produce a shock dealing
only unify the two, but forever remind them of the 1D12x4 damage to the holder with a 2 melee rounds
power from the other, yet reflect the strength of the duration.
individual of how important their bond to each other LEVEL: 8th Degree Black Belt
should remain. One dark and the other light, each
MARKET VALUE: 6,000 Hansatsu