P. 190

The Ultimate Kanbo:

                                     Weight    AtP    Rng     LiE    Mas     Vel   CoA
                                       .5      45      1      270     3       1      3

         DESCRIPTION:  Within the boundaries of                 using Ikimono’s Kanabo.  After a few powerful
         Hanamaki city of the Iwate Prefecture lived a great    strikes with the Kanabo the Ikimono took form, eyes
         and powerful being known as Ikimono.  This being       fixated on its old weapon.  Through curiosity, the
         was a short two-headed creature.  One head was of a    man ordered the Ikimono to attack.  The crowd es-
         disfigured, old man.  The                                                        caped demise though
         other was that of a hide-                                                        heavy casualties were suf-
         ous head of an Oni.  This                                                        fered.  Time came again
         creature carried a Kanabo                                                        where another mob came
         across it shoulders.  With-                                                      for the man and again he
         in Ikimono waged a war                                                           fought using the Ikimono’s
         between the good and evil                                                        Kanabo.  When the Ikimo-
         heads.  Both wanted con-                                                         no appeared, as the man
         trol of the body.  Polar                                                         suspected, he was sur-
         opposite behaviors were                                                          prised that the Warui stood
         displayed depending on                                                           before him, and unlike the
         the head that was in con-                                                        last time, the man had no
         trol.                                                                            control over the creature.
                                                                                          Though the Ikimono killed
            The citizens of
         Hanamaki did what they                                                           the man’s enemies, the
         could to live with Ikimo-                                                        man had to defend himself
         no, because when it ven-                                                         against the creature.  A
         tured into town as the Yoi                                                       powerful strike from the
         (Good) Ikimono, the crea-                                                        Kanabo sent the beast
         ture would assist the peo-                                                       away.  Seeing the danger
         ple it would come into                                                           of such a weapon, the man
         contact with.  However when Warui (Bad) Ikimono                                 kept the weapon in a safe
   C     ventured into town, death and destruction would ac-    place.  However, after his death his possessions were
   h                                                            lost as was record of the mystic weapon.
   a     company it.  On one particular occasion where Warui
   t     ravaged a portion of the city, a man lost his entire   POWER: Strike the Yoitowarui on the ground to roll
   e     family.  Enraged, he vowed to kill Ikimono.            1D6 for conjuration of one of the types of Ikimono:
            The next time Warui Ikimono attacked, the man       Yoi= Casts of: 2, 3, or 6.  Character has control of
         met it in the streets.  The demon-creature and man     Ikimono for 1D12 melee rounds.
         fought a long and brutal battle with seemingly no      Warui= Casts of: 1, 4 or 5.  Character has no control
         possible end or victor.  In a flash of brilliance, the   over Ikimono.  Ikimono will attack the closet target.
         man decided to disarm the Warui Ikimono.  Instantly    Can only be eliminated via head strike.
         the Ikimono froze yet maintained eye contact with      HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
         the man.  Seizing the opportunity, the man slayed the
         Ikimono.  Many of the townsmen were enraged when        200   12    4     5     6     7    10    6    4
         word got out that Ikimono had been defeated.  They     LEVEL: 8th Degree Black Belt
         formed a lynch mob, and hunted the man to his          MARKET VALUE: 5,800 Hansatsu
         dwelling.  The man fought to escape the angry mob,

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