P. 187
The Ultimate Katana:
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
.5 45 1 250 1 0 1
DESCRIPTION: The Shukumei-Ken is the strong- into it, making it stronger, and more lethal each time.
est sword ever formed by man. Its creation is a tale Thousands seemed to fall to this blade as Kakatani
of legend so difficult to accept as truth that many be- ventured through Hell back toward the Earthly realm.
lieved the weapon Word of this weapon and
does not truly exist. the quest of escape by its
According to legend, creator became legend in
the famed warrior/ the underworld, and
blacksmith Tei Ka- reached Satan himself.
katani was cast to Hell Tei Kakatani finally
by a jealous lover who reached the gates of Hell,
could not stand being where he encountered Sa-
kept secret. She felt tan in battle. In a last
that if she could not ditch effort to keep such a
have Kakatani no one weapon out of the hand of
should be with him. evil, Kakatani flung the
After stealing and hid- sword through the gates
ing a large quantity of breaching the mortal
money from Kakatani, realm, where the weapon
his lover Mei found a lay lost, until it was found
dark priest that was to through happened circum-
cast a spell, banishing stance by human hands.
Kakatani to Hell for- Since, the Shukumei-Ken
ever, where Mei has been sought after by
planned to meet him clans, dojos, and adven-
and explain why she turers alike.
chose such a fate for
her lover. While in C
Hell, Kakatani POWER: +2 to Stamina h a
planned his escape to Points; +2 to Control Roll; p t
return to his family. +2 to Attack Roll; +5 to e
Tei searched for met- Critical Striker’s Rolls; +2 r
als never before seen, to Fatal Strike Rolls; +5
and after years of Power Strike Damage,
looking for the perfect material he found his steel and absorb 1D6 Ki Energy on successful Power Strikes.
began working on the very weapon he would use to x2 LiE damage to all weapons and armor.
escape his prison. After the sword’s creation, Tei
Kakatani was pleased. However, his creation caught
the eye of several demons, apparitions, and specters LEVEL: 9th Degree Black Belt
who take control of the weapon. Kakatani fought MARKET VALUE: 6,580 Hansatsu
long and hard verse his attackers, and the soul of
each one that fell to his mystic blade was absorbed