P. 180
Enchanted Tekko
NAME: Kanten No Tekko (Tekko of Shock)
Enchanted Tessen
DESCRIPTION: The brass object with four holes
NAME: Hatamora-Sama No Tessen in it to fit fingers constantly sparks with the charge of
(Tessen of Hatamora) lightning. When the fist is clinched, the charge be-
comes strong enough to inflict damage from the
DESCRIPTION: Kanji Hatamora, the famed forger,
was known for creating some of the most powerful shock.
weapons in early Japan. He was driven by love for POWER: +1D8 to Strength Points for shock attack
the Shogun's daughter, but was forbade to marry her. damage after successful Power Attack.
While employed by the Shogun, he caught wind of a
plot to overthrow the position. In an attempt to pro- Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
tect his love he allowed himself to be possessed by a .1 5 0 180 2 2 2
demon and infused the essence of wind power into a
fan. He then presented the fan as a token of devotion
to the beautiful maiden believing that after the attack LEVEL: 2nd Degree Black Belt
C and death of the Shogun, she would marry him. The
h MARKET VALUE: 425 Hansatsu
a woman survived the attack which destroyed the Sho-
p gun's castle as Hatamora predicted. However, after
e being possessed he remained disfigured. The woman NAME: Kenbouyou No Tekko
wanted nothing to do with Hatamora which drove (Tekko of Amnesia)
him insane, and into solitude.
POWER: +2 to Defensive Roll, -5 to damage from the green leather wrapped ap-
projectiles attacks when equipped. +1D8 to damage pearance of this weapon it
from fire based attacks.
seems to be a normal set of
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA brass knuckles. However, be-
.2 5 0 120 2 2 1 neath the plain exterior, a dark
and evil incantation exists.
LEVEL: Brown Belt
POWER: +2 Attack Damage.
MARKET VALUE: 415 Hansatsu -1 Stamina Point to target per