P. 176
NAME: Koori No Otsuchi Enchanted Ono
(Otsuchi of Ice) NAME: Raijin No Ono
DESCRIPTION: The weap- (Raijin’s Ono)
on traditionally used to force-
fully open doors is enchanted DESCRIPTION: Is a weapon
to affect the ground. From the formed from the god of thun-
cold Northern regions of Hok- der while he was crafting his
Wakizashi. As the shards fell
kaido this weapon affects the from the heavens to the Earth,
ground by coating with ice.
they contained elements of
POWER: Strike the ground lightning. Several of these
and create ice pool with a diameter matching the shards were collected by an
character’s Throwing Range that lasts 1D4 melee. ancient blacksmith named
All characters on the ice have -1 to Movement Rolls Yoshagori and fashioned into
and -1 to Control Roll. war axes.
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA POWER: This dangerous weapon increases the us-
2 15 1 170 3 2 3 ers Strength Points by 1D6+2. After a successful
strike this weapon charges any metallic item with a
1D4 charge that lasts for 1D8+2 melee rounds.
LEVEL: Brown Belt Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
MARKET VALUE: 660 Hansatsu 2 25 1 170 2 2 1
LEVEL: Red Belt
MARKET VALUE: 720 Hansatsu
NAME: Houkaheki No Ot-
(Otsuchi of Firewall)
its sister weapon, the ice Ot-
suchi, the fire Otsuchi affects
C the ground when it is struck.
a With the symbol "Fire" burned
t into its side this weapon is a
e fierce one to verse.
POWER: Create a wall of
fire. Fire wall is equivalent to the character’s Throw-
ing Range in height, and 15ft wide and will continue
to burn for 1D12 melee rounds.
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
2 15 1 170 3 2 3
LEVEL: Brown Belt
MARKET VALUE: 560 Hansatsu