P. 174
NAME: Sendo-Sasu No Yari Enchanted Naginata
(Yari of 1,000 Stings) NAME: Kaigan No Naginata
DESCRIPTION: Fashioned (Naginata of Enlightenment)
with hornets carved into the
wooden staff of the spear, this DESCRIPTION: The crystal-lapis blue hued blade
weapon has a potentially dead- and white polearm of this naginata indicate it as a
ly status effect. This weapon special weapon. Created by monks to give holders an
advantage in their meditation practices, it was quickly discov-
is known to have 1,000 spin- ered that this weapon gave owners insight in other areas of
dles in the end of the spear tip thought and contemplation.
that simulate a hornet's stings.
POWER: +2 Awareness Points when equipped as a
POWER: Additional half primary weapon.
damage applied to each strike. Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
1D12 points of continuous damage lasting 1D8 melee
rounds after confrontation. 2 25 3 145 2 2 1
LEVEL: 1st Degree Black Belt
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
MARKET VALUE: 1,255 Hansatsu
.5 15 2 145 1 2 1
LEVEL: 2nd Degree Black Belt
MARKET VALUE: 1,155 Hansatsu NAME: Gunsyuku No Naginata
(Naginata of Disarm)
NAME: Sappiku No Yari (Yari of Sapping) DESCRIPTION: As if
DESCRIPTION: This black spear is a demonic the naginata itself is not a
type of weapon that calls for the user to be sadistic. formidable weapon, this
After a piercing strike the weapon glows green and type of naginata makes
steals energy from its victim. Identified by stained holding weapons a difficult
black wood, this weapon is feared throughout the re- task for opponents. Creat-
gions of Japan. ed for an elite group of sol-
diers in the Gempie War
POWER: After a successful Pierce Probability roll
C these weapons are tradi-
h the target loses 1D6 Ki Energy which is absorbed to
a tionally handed down,
p the holder of the weapon. however, some have fallen
e into the hands of the pub-
r Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
.5 15 2 145 1 2 1 POWER: +2 to disarm
LEVEL: Red Belt
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
MARKET VALUE: 1,180 Hansatsu
2 25 3 145 2 2 1
LEVEL: Red Belt
MARKET VALUE: 1,250 Hansatsu