P. 171
fended himself and accidental- NAME: Ki O Su No Tachi (Tachi of Absorb)
ly fatally injured his father. DESCRIPTION: A blessed
As his father lay losing his sword created during the feu-
life, the son prayed for his fa- dal times became the last wish
ther's life and cursed his blade of a general from a warring
saying that he did not want to tribe. As his tribe and another
kill his father. The prayer was battled, his army became de-
answered and soon the father pleted. To ensure victory he
was able to rise from the floor.
made a wish which was grant-
POWER: Upon a successful ed in the form of a sword that
strike the target is paralyzed could absorb the striking ener-
for 1D6 melee. However, this gy of attackers and turn it
weapon cannot be used to per- against them. Several of these
form a Critical Hi or Fatal Strike. swords were found on the bat-
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA tle field and the smaller army used them to ensure
1 15 2 150 1 2 1
POWER: This sword gives the holder the ability to
LEVEL: 2nd Degree Black Belt absorb a defended strike and turn 1D4 points of the
potential damage points into Ki Energy Points.
MARKET VALUE: 1,025 Hansatsu
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
1 20 2 150 1 2 1
LEVEL: 1st Degree Black Belt
NAME: Magii Na Tachi (The Lucky Tachi)
MARKET VALUE: 1,050 Hansatsu
DESCRIPTION: This weapon is identified by its
fine polish that reflects light off the green scabbard,
hilt, and fine blade that seems to shine brighter than
any other sword. STAFFS AND POLEARMS
POWER: This weapon give +1 or –1 to Odds & Enchanted Hanbo
Even rolls in favor of the desired outcome.
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA NAME: Jika No Hanbo (Hanbo of Direction)
1 20 2 150 1 2 1 DESCRIPTION: The great animal trainer, Hiroto, C h
had a short staff that he used to instill obedience in a p
LEVEL: Brown Belt several of the animals he would train. This short t e
stick has the ability to control an animal's attention in r
MARKET VALUE: 875 Hansatsu order to get them to understand and perform com-
mands with the greatest of ease.
POWER: +2 to OBD when training an animal along
a specific path after a successful roll to complete a
task. +1 to all animal rolls.
Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
1 20 2 150 1 2 1
LEVEL: Brown Belt
Osamu Korai MARKET VALUE: 1,015 Hansatsu