P. 213

Ultimate Shinobi Shozoku
                               Juhakkei NO Shinobi Shozoku

         DESCRIPTION: The Shoninki is a medieval ninja          The Yellow, Ki-iro Chumaki, Shinobi Shozoku gives
         document from Kishu prefecture.  It is divided into a   the wearer an overall advantage during confrontation
         preface, three scrolls (Shomaki, Chumaki, Gemaki)      and/or interpersonal relations.  +2 To Control Roll,
         and followed by an epilogue (Okusho).  In the pref-    +2 Physical Beauty Points for rolls of persuasion, +1
         ace, the author dis-                                                                  to Awareness, +2
         cusses the different                                                                  Movement Points,+1
         types of spies and                                                                    Stamina Points, +3 to
         the principles of es-                                                                 actions of Climbing
         pionage.                                                                              and Swimming.

                The first                                                                      The Red, Ni-iro Ge-
         scroll addresses                                                                      maki, Shinobi
         basic skills, such as                                                                 Shozoku gives con-
         disguise and con-                                                                     trol over others.
         cealment, house-                                                                      Odds & Evens roll to
         breaking and infor-                                                                   invoked “Rage” or
         mation gathering.                                                                     “Fear” in targets.
         The second part                                                                       Targets who are en-
         deals with defense                                                                    chanted with rage
         against enemy spies,                                                                  attack using only
         human nature, phys-                                                                   Power Strikes with -
         iognomy, recogniz-                                                                    2 to Attack Roll.
         ing and eliciting the                                                                 Targets enchanted
         true intentions of                                                                    with fear attempt to
         people and laying                                                                     escape the battle,
         false trails and clues.                                                               confrontation or situ-
         The final scroll is                                                                   ation.
         concerned with                                                                        Worn as layers, these
         one’s own emotional                                                                   powers combine and
         states as well as                                                                     can be used collec-
         those of other peo-                                                                   tively.  When all       C h
         ple.                                                                                                          a
                                                                                               three are worn to-      p
                What is not                                                                    gether the Shinobi      t e
         spoken of in these                                                                    Sozoku is black.        r
         documents is that                                                                     When worn in pairs
         there is a Shinobi Shozoku that embodies each scroll
         which transfers each philosophy to the wearer.         the colors mix to the pair (ex: yellow and blue=
         These Shinobo Shozoku take on the moniker of each      green, red and blue= purple, red and yellow= orange,
         scroll, and when three are worn as one they are        etc.).
         known as the great Juhakkei No Shinobi Shozoku, a
         weapon that donates great power, ability and reputa-    LEVEL: 3rd Degree Black Belt
         tion.                                                  TOTAL MARKET VALUE:  6,800 Hansatsu

         POWER: The Blue, Ao-iro, Shomaki Shinobi                  MARKET VALUE: Ao-iro= 2,300 Hansatsu
         Shozoku lends power to the living world.  Its wearer
         receives +5 to Stealth Points, +3 to Lock Picking,        MARKET VALUE: Ki-iro= 2,000 Hansatsu
         and +1 to Awareness.                                      MARKET VALUE: Ni-iro= 2,500 Hansatsu

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