P. 32

TAKASHIRO property                                     G: WATCH TOWER 1st Floor

         Compound Level: 1                                      Dimensions: 10ft.x10ft.10ft.
         A: MAIN ENTRANCE                                       The first floor of the Takashiro Watchtower is re-

         Dimensions: 10ft.x1ft.x12ft.                           sponsible for verifying access to the master’s area as
                                                                well as opening the gate for passage.
         The entrance to the Takashiro Compound
                                                                H: GATE TO MASTER’S AREA
         B: MAT MAKER
                                                                Dimensions: 10ft.x1ft.x12ft.
         Dimensions: 40ft.x30ft.17ft.
                                                                The entrance to the Takashiro Master area is gated
         The Takashiro own their own tatami shop.  This         and guarded by the adjacent watch tower.  It takes a
         products made by Takashiro is one of many goods        sort of “access pass” to cross the bridge which is
         used in the exchange of goods throughout Japan.  De-   gained through an interaction with one of the three
         spite the lack of resources, the Takashiro flooring is   masters who reside in the homes.
         known as one of the best in the region.
                                                                I: TAKASHIRO BRIDGE
         C: BUTCHER
                                                                Dimensions: 90ft.x10ft.16ft. (above water level)
         Dimensions: 40ft.x30ft.21ft.
                                                                This bridge is the walk way between three of the
         The Takashiro butcher prepares standard cuts of meat   masters and the Takashiro members.  It is supported
         and poultry for sale from this establishments.  Ingre-  by four stone pillars, instead of wood to make the
         dients or meat products can be found here.             bridge virtually indestructible, to deter those who

         D: BO KIYOJIMA’S HOUSE 1st Floor                       may try to invade via water ways.  This bridge is also
                                                                a defense point where archers may be positioned.
         Dimensions: 40ft.x25ft.10ft.
                                                                J: LIVING QUARTERS 1st Floor
         The home of Bo Kiyojima is the only home of the
         masters that is in the area of the Takashiro students.    Dimensions: 55ft.x70ft.10ft.
         Fittingly so, Bo Kiyojima is responsible for recruit-  The largest structure in the Takashiro Compound is
         ment and development of Takashiro students.  This      home to several members of the Takashiro Samurai
         close proximity allows him to keep a watchful eye of   clan.  This dormitory style housing lends itself as
         those under the Takashiro banner.  Along with the      shelter.  Consequently, several of the personal be-
         personal belonging of Bo Kiyojima, one may find a      longs of Takashiro members can be found here.
         guest room, dining area, library and personal armory
         on the first floor of his house.                       K: SACRED POUND

         E: HORSE STABLE                                        Dimensions: 6ft. at deepest point

         Dimensions: 50ft.x20ft.13ft.                           This man-made area was added around the time when
                                                                the Takashiro Compound was nearly completed.
         Stable will always have 1D20 horses available.         Each plant was planted, and the pond was filled with

         F: ARMORY                                              water from the river then blessed by Shinto monks.
                                                                Now, Takashiro members can be found meditating in
         Dimensions: 26ft.x26ft.x18ft.
                                                                its tranquil and plush grass.
         The Takashiro armory is the war room for the Samu-     L: BAKERY
         rai Clan.  When called into action, this facility be-
         comes the headquarters.  Inside this armory is a large   Dimensions: 30ft.x45ft.17ft.
         table for regional maps used for battle planning, and   The Takashiro bakery is an establishment that pro-
         several weapons of war including various types of      duces flour based food products.  Players may find
         basic two-handed swords, basic staff and polearms      products and ingredients at these locations.
         and basic projectile weapons.
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