P. 35

G3: WATCH TOWER 3rd Floor                              J3: LIVING QUARTERS 3rd Floor
         Dimensions: 10ft.x10ft.10ft.                           Dimensions: 55ft.x50ft.10ft.

         The third floor of the Takashiro Watchtower is the     The third level of the Takashiro dormitory is reserved
         most honorable duty in the Watchtower assignment.      for guests who are staying within the walls of the
         Staffed at all times by four archers, only those who   compound yet are not invited to stay with masters.
         have studied the art of the Yumi and Ya are able to    Usually these guests are women with children who
         fulfill this task.  The best Takashiro archers take part   need a place to stay to figure out their lives.  The
         in guarding the compound at long range.  Usually       rooms are plush, but easily cleaned .  These guests
         these archers are advanced or expert level.            are often given an amount of time for them to figure
                                                                out their next steps in life before they are asked to
                                                                leave.  Not unreasonable, the Takashiro allow them
                                                                to stay should they be able to provide a service in one
                                                                of the many locations around the compound.


         Dimensions: 86ft.20ft.x14ft. (above water level)
         The long boat dock is the single dock used by the Ta-
         kashiro Samurai Clan.  The ramp was installed to as-
         sist in the unloading of goods.  The wide platform
         makes maneuvering large crates manageable.


         Dimensions: 15ft.x8ft.x12ft.
                                                                A: SHINTO SHRINE
         This small house of business is where incoming
         goods are checked.  Before unloading of a shipment     Dimensions:31ft.x26ft.x27ft.
         can begin the goods are inspected by the personnel at   This elevated shrine houses and commemorates all of
         this location.  Once verified, Takashiro students as-  the Takashiro masters who have honorably gone be-
         sist in the unloading of imported goods.               yond this realm.

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