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3. We are one team, not a team of individuals

        	   ›   Stone connections. In a traditional real estate office or franchise the business consists of one owner with
             teams of individual agents all working for their clients, individually. When we sell your home, our entire team
             carries it through all of their opens, to all of their buyers and through until the completion of the sale.

                                        Stone      Stone          Stone      Stone
                                        Office     Office         Office     Office

                                                      Stone	Central
                                        Stone                                Stone
                                        Office        Client	Record          Office

                                                      Stone	Leasing

            ›   Conventional Franchise
             Offices are not linked together or with head office.

                                           Offices                        Head Office

        “Great things in business are never done by one person,

        they’re done by a team of people.”

        Steve Jobs
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