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Our recommended

        sale method.

        Taking into consideration the current market, available

        buyers and your home’s key features, I recommend that

        you sell your property via the following method.

         Private treaty.

         Selling via the traditional private treaty method allows us to decide whether to negotiate between the top purchasers
         to settle on the final price, or, if there’s a large number of contract-holders showing signs of significant interest,
         introduce a submission of final offers.

         This submission gives each prospective buyer the opportunity to put forward his/her best and final offer for the
         purchase of your home. The advantage is that we’re in full control of the timeframe and there’s no chance of
         transitioning into a ‘Dutch Auction’, a process likely to annoy buyers by forcing them to seek other homes.
         The decision to continue with traditional negotiations or a submission of offers is usually made after the first week of
         ‘open for inspections’.


         With the large number of prospective buyers at each ‘open home’, combined with the unique advantages of your
         property (design; quality; lack of comparable homes in the local area), It could also be recommended selling via

         This method is multi-beneficial. It maximises feedback and competition to create an ideal environment that often sees
         a final sale price reached well-above market expectations.
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