Page 72 - Demo
P. 72

Clay Pigeons (continued from preceding page) “How come you got me out?”
Rhonda drove on without speaking, and then turned to him. “I don’t know.”
Sonny looked into the backseat, feeling the presence of someone there, but it was vacant, except for Rhonda’s neatly folded red sweater.
“Am I going to live with you?” he asked.
“No. I’m going to shoot you and bury you in the des- ert.”
“Why, what?”
“What you just said.”
“I didn’t say anything, Sonny.”
“I heard you.”
“Sonny, I didn’t say anything, except ‘I don’t know.’” “Am I going to live with you?” he asked again.
“No,” Rhonda said. “I’m taking you back to the Foundation to see if Mr. Wister will allow you to stay. This whole rob- bery thing might mean you can’t stay there anymore.”
   Hooks of Three
oil on canvas 12 1/2'' x 17 1/2'' By Soel Kwun

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