Page 74 - Demo
P. 74

 “My inspiration for the paintings in this series comes from a single hexagram
in the iChing: #40/Deliverance.
I love the idea that we must engage with the things that most trouble us in order to find release--or deliverance— from them.
In the six lines of this hexagram, the broken lines suggest openness, the unbroken lines resistance. The ratio of broken to unbroken lines suggest that our response to trouble should remain both fluid and challenging. In playing with the positive and negative spaces of this hexagram’s broken or unbroken lines, I discovered some dramatically different visual effects.
Each of the paintings inspired an ac- companying set of haikus, also varia- tions on the changing states of deliver- ance. For me, this interplay of poetry and painting has served as a medita- tive salve for unsettling times.”
Crockett is a visual artist and teacher based in the San Francisco bay area. Her work has been included in a wide variety of juried exhibitions and private collections. She holds an MFA degree in poetry.
Broken Lines Only
Lines of resistance thin. Disturbance is everywhere. I’ve let too much in.
What’s left in the wake of my open mindedness: the whiteness of whales.
ChrisTine CroCKeTT

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