Page 3 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 3
R ……………I have not chosen a word but a letter from his own name - Raman.
I think that part of his name was very appropriate for him as I saw a lot of qualities
of Sree Ramachandra in him. He can be compared to Rama of the great epic
Ramayana for his sense of duty towards his mother – looking after her in her last
days with so much love and diligence. I am told he did the same for his father.
He adhered to dharma of the highest order both in his values and habits. He was
devoid of any worldly vices. This is why he commanded respect from all . To him I
was like a younger sister and I had the greatest regard and respect for him. He was
a noble , sincere , humble and honest person and help was there for him even
without asking. He was a true role model to me ,Raj, Malini, Bhuvana and the kids.
Swarnam Naganathan.Daughter’s Mother-in-law
Gandhian ……….Venkatji was a true Gandhian Adhering to the
principles of truth and service. As a son he served his parents till the end. In trying
times he was there as a pillar of strength, not just to his family members but
anybody in need . He was a great patriot and served his motherland with great
reverence. His staunch faith in the truth created hurdles from him often both within
the family and at work but it did not alter his course or beliefs. That is one thing there
was never a compromise on - whatever be the cause or whoever be the recipient .
TRUTH always prevailed. He never expected praise or gratitude and also never held
any grudges. Forget and forgive , that was his belief.
I remember so many instances – one such was with the land tax office. He refused to
bribe the officer to get a fairer assessment . Eventually I quietly went with a friend
and resolved the issue by paying Rs 1000. I was very ashamed and told him what I
had done the next day. He did not speak to me for two days and then said said
“ Bhuvana , I cant believe that my wife could have fallen so low. Your next salary
needs to go to charity. Please do not dilute my love for you by falling to such cheap
temptations. “My tears were not tears of anger but of pride. He hugged me and said
“ Life teaches us many lessons – this one is yours”. That was my Venkatji . In this life
my greatest t blessing was having him as my husband and to have been the wife of
such a noble soul.
Bhuvana Venkatraman, Wife