Page 5 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 5

My rock……….You were my pillar of strength, throughout my life , but

            especially after my husband died.

            I don't know how I could have handled raising my 3 daughters without your emotional &
            moral support. You were always there to help me whether it was to give me advice or
            accompany me to or navigate government offices, even if you did insisted that we take the
            PTC bus instead of an auto!

            But my memories of you are not just of when we were adults, I remember how we were
            always in trouble together in childhood when we snuck out to the kottais to watch a movie or
            stole mangoes from the nearby orchard.  I remember how you had to do hundreds of ‘thoppu
            karanams’ because you stubbornly refused to comply with the initial punishment of 50 (
            which I did) and how I stood behind the pillar whispering ‘ anna, do it now’ as our dad kept
            increasing the number every minute!

            My only regret is that we could not meet often in our old age. There was only one more
            ‘foreign trip’ I wanted to make that I didn't get to and that was to Australia to see you!

                                                                          Lalitha Rajagopalan, Sister
                                            Imaginary piece by her daughter Priya Rajagopalan

               Muruga…….. My respectful homage to Athimber. Athimber was a great
               devotee of Lord Muruga. All his achievements and success in life he attributed to Him.
               He loved his country Bharath very much. During British rule he was put in prison. He
               was fortunate to meet leaders like Kamraj and C.Subramanium. He was a staunch
               Gandhian.He never took alcohol or meat. Even though he was in the Foreign Service
               he never offered alcohol or meat as a host. He was a dutiful son and served his parents
               till their end.

               He was a very learned person. His favourite authors were Ruskin and Tolstoy. He
               could freely recite verses from the scriptures and Tamil literature. He was fond of telling
               stories to children. He loved his wife Bhuvana and his only daughter Malini. In fact the
               whole world revolved around Malini. Above all he was a good human being .On his
               100th Birthday I wish him a Happy Birthday where ever
               he may be. Regards, Love to all.

                                                 Padi Krishnaswamy Rajeswari, Sister-in-law
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