Page 104 - NUMINO Challenge_A1
P. 104
06 A blueprint of a building is shown in the example below. The blueprint
shows the top view of the building. We are trying to divide the
building into dif ferent sections. The number of other squares that can
be seen in the horizontal and vertical directions from each numbered
square are shown below.


3 squares on top 5 42 2 squares on top
and 2 squares to can be seen
the right can be 1 square on top, 1
seen square to the lef t,
and 2 squares to
the right can be

Draw the sections on the right blueprint such that 2 13
the number in each square indicates the number 3 12
of other squares that can be seen from the square. 4 24

Divide the building in dif ferent ways such that 3 other squares
can be seen from any of the squares.

3333 3333 3333
3333 3333 3333
3333 3333 3333
3333 3333 3333

3333 3333 3333
3333 3333 3333
3333 3333 3333
3333 3333 3333

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