Page 108 - NUMINO Challenge_A1
P. 108
Problem solving

1 The Hundreds Place The Tens Place The Ones Place

Greatest The Greatest Number Card The Second Greatest Number Card The Third Greatest Number Card

Number 3

9 5

The The Hundreds Place The Tens Place The Ones Place
The Third Smallest
Smallest The Smallest Number When 0 is included: 0
Card except 0 When 0 is not included: The 2nd smallest digit Number Card
Number 5
3 0

The greatest number: 953, the smallest number: 305

2 Number smaller than yet closest to 500 : 485

Number greater than yet closest to 500 : 524

Since 500 485 15 and 524 500 24, the closest number to 500 is 485.

2. Making Numbers

Investigate Number Cards That Can Be Put in Each Place Making Numbers with Number Cards

Number Conditions Number Cards that Can It is a 3-digit odd number.
Cards Be Arranged in Each Place It is greater than 600.
23 2356
Number 100s 10s 1s The number that belongs in the 1s place can either be 3 or 5.
13 greater 2 2 2
67 than 600 3 3 3 6 is the only number that can be placed in the 100s place.
5 5 5 - When 3 is in the 1s place: 6 23, 6 53
02 Odd 6 6 6 - When 5 is in the 1s place: 6 25, 6 35
59 number

Number 100s 10s 1s It is an even number.
greater 1 1 1
than 300 3 3 3 1 3 6 7 It is greater than 300 but smaller than 700.
but less 6 6 6
than 700 7 7 7 6 is the only number that can be placed in the 1s place.

Even The number that belongs in the 100s place can either be 3 or 6 .
number Since 6 is in the 1s place, the only number that can be placed in the

Number 100s 10s 1s 100s place is 3 . 31 6, 3 7 6
that has a 0 0 0 - When 3 is in the 100s place:
tens digit 2 2 2
that is 5 5 5
smaller 9 9 9
than 4

Number that
is divisible
by 5

3Answer Key
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