Page 14 - I reading 일부
P. 14
Basic Drill
01 03 PART A
Epic poems are long stories, told in rhymed verses, which usually tell of a war or the adventures of a great Until about 1100 AD, Dorset culture was widespread throughout most of the Canadian Arctic and the west
CH 01
hero. They were one of the major forms of literature in the ancient world. In fact, epic poems probably coast of Greenland. Over the next 300 or so years, however, the culture shrank and eventually disappeared.
predate writing, because they were originally recited orally, and were only written down much later. The oldest Theories for its disappearance vary. The predominant theory involves the Thule people, the ancestors of
known epic poem is the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. As with many epics, its author is anonymous because modern-day Inuit, who began to migrate east around 1200 AD. The Thule possessed more advanced
it was passed down orally for generations before it was written down. Therefore, an epic poem is often best weapons, such as bows and arrows, and were better hunters compared to the Dorset. It is also thought that
viewed as the work of a culture rather than of a single author. the Thule may have carried diseases which the Dorset were susceptible to . Anthropologists believe these
two factors contributed to the decline of Dorset culture.
The word “ anonymous ” in the passage is closest in meaning to
The phrase “ susceptible to ” in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) renowned
(B) unknown (A) conducive to
(C) fortunate (B) immune to
(D) apparent (C) responsible for
(D) vulnerable to
02 04
Rocks can essentially be classified into three types according to how they are formed. Sedimentary rock, The New England and middle colonies were at a relative disadvantage with regard to their lack of staples TOEFL iBT i Reading
such as limestone, is formed from small particles that have worn away . As these particles pile up, the to exchange for English finished goods, but the abundance of their own shipping and mercantile enterprises
pressure compacts them to form solid layers. A second type, metamorphic rock, refers to rock that has worked in their favor. This was not to the liking of the British, who wished to ensure their own dominance in
changed its chemical and physical composition due to intense heat and pressure. Marble and slate are shipping and their importance as the sole lifeline to the colonies. After 1660, the English government raised
common examples of metamorphic rock. The third type is igneous rock, which is formed through an prohibitive duties against certain major colonial exports. This hit the New York and New England colonies
exothermic reaction, the loss of heat. A common example is basalt, which is formed when molten lava cools. especially hard, and resulted in an unfavorable trade balance.
The phrase “ worn away ” in the passage is closest in meaning to The word “ unfavorable ” in the passage is closest in meaning to
(A) eroded (A) promising
(B) compressed (B) encouraging
(C) stuck together (C) adverse
(D) heated up (D) inevitable
Vocab Quiz Vocab Quiz
The word in the passage is closest in meaning to The word in the passage is closest in meaning to
01 major negligible main varied 03 shrank dwindled changed thrived
02 common unique notable typical 04 lack deficiency quality richness
30 PART A Question Types Chapter 01 Vocabulary 31