P. 3

Introduction                                                     I Love English Starter

 Main Unit          Have Fun

                    Have Fun encourages learners to practice
 Talk               the key vocabulary with fun, various activities

 Talk introduces a dialog or monolog that contains short and basic expressions.   such as coloring, drawing, dot-to-dot and so on.

 In this section, a large, real background photo is used to help students
 make connections with the real world while the characters are fun, colorful   Talk More

 illustrations to entertain
                    Talk More introduces more expressions related to
                    the ones in the previous Talk pages. Learners will be
 Key vocabulary words are
                    able to practice them by role-playing with the key
 introduced at the bottom    vocabulary in the box.

 of the page and students
 can practice the dialog

 with the target vocabulary.                       Listen

                                                   Listen offers a fun and interactive way for

                                                   students to apply what they have learned in
                                                   each unit.


 Chant helps learners practice the target expressions and   Phonics

 vocabulary enjoyably and reinforce language from Talk.   Phonics gives learners the opportunity to learn
 It provides opportunities to practice English rhymes   the new target sounds and words. They practice

 through upbeat rhythms.  the target sounds through listening activities.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8