P. 8

Scope & Sequence

               Unit           Topic                 Structure              Vocabulary             Phonics                                   Unit           Topic                 Structure             Vocabulary              Phonics

                                                                                                     a/b/c                                                                                                                       m/n/o
                                                                                mom                                                                                                                          head
                                                                                                      ant                                                                  What’s wrong?                     hand               monkey
                 1          My Family         Good morning, Mom!                 dad                                                          7           My Body
                                                                                                      bed                                                                  My head hurts.                     foot                nose
                                                                               brother                                                                                                                        leg
                                                                                                      cup                                                                                                                        orange

                                                                                                     d/e/f                                                                                                                       p/q/r
                                                                               America                                                                                                                        hat
                                                I’m Cathy.                                            dog                                                                  Where is my hat?                  T-shirt               pig
                 2          My Friends                                         England                                                        8         My Clothes
                                              I’m from America!                                       egg                                                                  It’s on the bed.                  dress               queen

                                                                                Korea                                                                                                                         coat
                                                                                                      fish                                                                                                                       rabbit

                 3                                              Review 1                                                                      9                                             Review 3

                                                                                                     g/h/i                                                                                                                      s/t/u/v
                                                                                 ball                                                                                                                         cat                  sun

                 4           My Toys          What’s this?                      robot                goat                                    10             Pets           I have a pet.                      dog                 tiger
                                              It’s a ball.                                            hat                                                                  It’s a cat.                        bird              umbrella

                                                                                  car                                                                                                                         fish
                                                                                                      ink                                                                                                                         vase

                                                                                                     j/k/l                                                                                                    tree              w/x/y/z
                                                                                  red                                                                                                                                             wolf

                 5            Colors          What color is this?               yellow                jam                                    11            Nature          Look at the tree.                  lake                 fox
                                              It’s red.                                               key                                                                  It’s big.                          rock               yogurt

                                                                                 blue                                                                                                                        moon
                                                                                                      lion                                                                                                                        zebra

                 6                                              Review 2                                                                     12                                             Review 4
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13