Page 92 - NUMINO Challenge_B1
P. 92
Problem solving Key Points
1 You are cutting an M-shaped piece of thread into By how many pieces
several pieces. If the thread is cut ten times in does the number of
such a way, how many pieces of thread will you thread pieces
get? increase with each
One time Two times Three times
2 To make the shape of 10 cubes as shown below, How many more
how many matches do you need? (You need 9 matches do you
matches to make the first cube and 14 matches need to make one
to make two cubes.) more cube?
89Rules for Shapes
1 You are cutting an M-shaped piece of thread into By how many pieces
several pieces. If the thread is cut ten times in does the number of
such a way, how many pieces of thread will you thread pieces
get? increase with each
One time Two times Three times
2 To make the shape of 10 cubes as shown below, How many more
how many matches do you need? (You need 9 matches do you
matches to make the first cube and 14 matches need to make one
to make two cubes.) more cube?
89Rules for Shapes