Page 9 - Why C21?
P. 9

O U R   H O U S E   H A B I T S :

               N 1     P E R S I S T E N C E                                          N 4      C O L L A B O R AT I O N
              Be obsessed. We won’t settle. We believe                               Open the house. Break down walls and
              in constant evolution, innovation and                                  silos. Encourage collaboration.
              improvement, because we know there is
              always a better way.

               N 2     A C C O U N TA B I L I T Y                                     N 5      T E N A C I T Y
              Own it. Owners build things and create                                 Dream big, move fast. Big dreams are
              value – so take action and be accountable.                             realised after small goals are achieved
                                                                                     consistently. Always push yourself and
                                                                                     others to be the very best.

               N 3     O P T I M I S M                                                N 6      D E V O T I O N
              What if? Challenging legacy thinking                                   Give it 121%. Don’t just check the box and
              creates the possibility for creativity and                             complete the task, give it the extra effort
              innovation to make things better.                                      that goes “above and beyond”.

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