Page 29 - Ultimate guide to selling you home on your own
P. 29



       There's a very good chance                          Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot
                                                           you can do about this. You aren't in
       that any buyers you end up                          contact with the agent. You have no

       dealing with are working with  control over how they think, feel, or

       a real estate agent.                                what they say to your buyer. After all,
                                                           it's also their buyer. And agents are
       Let's say you avoided their agent                   supposed to protect their client's

       getting involved…                                   interest.

       Maybe they tried to have their agent                So, if the agent feels they are making a

       involved, but you said no, and they                 mistake or is advising against
       moved forward without their agent's                 purchasing your house for one reason
       involvement in the deal. Or they may                or another, they may actually have

       just have come to you directly and                  good reason to do so...and not just
       never even mentioned they were                      because they are possibly going to lose

       working with a real estate agent.                   a commission.

       Almost every buyer in the market is                 So, just be aware that this can occur.
       working with an agent to some degree.  And know that your best defense is to

                                                           know your buyer and all of their
       And once your buyer starts focusing on              potential choices as well as their agent
       your house, or has actually made an                 would. (Which shouldn't be an issue if

       offer, there's a good chance that the               you've been watching the market
       agent they've been dealing with is                  weekly.) You just need to be able to
       going to "get in their ear."                        assure the buyer that your house is the

                                                           best house for them and that they
       Their agent will start casting doubt as
       to whether your house is the best                   couldn't possibly get a better house, at

       house for them. Or they'll start telling            a better price, for their wants and
       them about how hard it is to deal with              needs. If you can do that, anything
       the process without an agent involved.              their agent says should not affect them

       Maybe the agent will say that they are              moving forward with your deal.
       overpaying for your house, especially

       since there's no commission involved.

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