Page 22 - Oasis Skeen Buyers Agents - Rent v Buy
P. 22



          Life can get pretty busy.                              But if you find a good real estate agent

          There’s hardly enough time in                          to work with, you can cut down on a lot
                                                                 of the time, work, and effort on your
          a day, a week, a month, or a                           end.

          year to do everything we

                                                                 And while the process may take longer
          want and need to do.
                                                                 than buying a car, it isn’t like you have

          And buying a home isn’t something you                  to spend hours and hours and days and

          can just ride on over to a dealership or               days at a time on it. It’s more of a here-
          two, kick a few tires, play some hardball,             and-there type of thing. Much of what

          do some paperwork, and ride away into                  needs to get done is accomplished by
          the night like you can with a car.                     professionals working on things behind
                                                                 the scenes.
          Buying a house is a longer process, so it’s
          probably not the best thing to try and do              So, if your main concern is that it’s

          in a rush. You want to make sure you                   going to be a huge time suck, it doesn’t
          make a thorough, thoughtful, and                       have to be. You just need to be able to

          educated decision.                                     delegate and trust others to take care

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